Lust not love

48 23 24

I see how you smile
When you hear her name.
Your heart, she has claimed.

I still look at you,
That way is my shame.

It's your smile,
That leaves my heart aflame.

And your love, in silence, I proclaim.
To find a love like yours is my aim.

Yet I still look at you,
My heart for that I blame.

Though, "Why?" is the question I ask,
To you, was I not a game? 

Love she does,
Oh! But does she know your true name?

So guys... I kinda have a request? So you know how we are born and that day is kind of celebrated cause it's the day we're born... 😭💀 what I'm saying is that my birthday's June 23rd and I want this book to get to 2k before that. Can we make that happen? Please 🥺💙🦋

This one is not dedicated to anyone because... I don't know really but I'll dedicate tomorrow's poem to someone.

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