Introducing Mellifluous 🍃

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Somewhere an old man dies
And a child is born
Mellifluous is the sound of his cries
To the ears of his mother
It's the start of a new life
An year later the child exclaims
Ah look! it's a butterfly
The wind blowing carries the butterfly to the sea
Down it looks to the blue and takes a dive
A head pops up from the surface
The butterfly shrieks and away it shies
The shark scowls and starts to swim
On its way it finds an alewife
"Oh my Lord! What beast is this?"
Before it loses its prey, the shark takes a bite
The other fish ever so lone swims to shore
There it finds a man with a butcher's knife
It watches with awe as the old man exclaims
"We shall meet in the afterlife."
It's all a part of the journey ever so mellifluous to the ear
And we call it life



I tried to include all elements of life here because they're pretty and ugly but we must live with both. It's life and it's beautiful. I find beauty even in the ugliest of things.

I changed the description of the book to this poem.

Anyway the name of the collection is officially "Mellifluous."

The beautiful cover of the book was designed by Alyssa_Evangeline . Honestly I love what it depicts; both life and death, evil and good.

I hope y'all enjoy this one

Xx 😘

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