Chapter 4 - Let's Get Lunch

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It's the end of class and I'm putting my notepad away, when I feel a large presence standing over me. I slowly look up, it's him. "Can I help you?" I say smugly.

"L/N. Let's get lunch." he says dryly.
"Uh, what?" I laugh at him and look at Mina, she shrugs.

"I said, lets get lunch. Don't make me repeat myself again."

"And, why should I get lunch with you?"

"Why the fuck not? To catch up? I saw you staring at me."

"I was not stare--"

"You kinda were..." Mina says sheepishly. I glare at her.

"Shut it, Mina. Why would I be staring at you?" I say as I look back at him.

"'Cause you like me? I'm hot? Who knows. Just--c' mon." He grabs my arm and pulls me down the stairs roughly.

I pull my arm out of his grip, "What the hell do you think you're doing? So you send me some rude texts and tell me to stay away last night--"

"He texted you? You didn't tell me that!" Mina exclaimed.

"--and now you're trying to force me to get lunch with you?" I cross my arms over my chest and scoff. "I don't think so. Let's go, Mina." I say as I walk away.

Bakugo POV

Well, that could have gone better. I just stared after her and sighed as she walked aeay. I guess I'll have to try something else. I put my hand behind my neck and scratch it. "Gahh!!" Some other students jump at my sudden outburst and walk away. "Fuck off!" I yell at them and stomp out of the hall.


"What the hell do you think that was about?" Mina asks me.

"Like I know. He's just some egotistical prick that thinks he knows everything and can get whatever the hell he wants, when he wants." I seethe.

"Woahhh there, Y/N. Calm down, it doesn't mean anything." She puts her hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down. "Why don't we go get some lunch? Where do you feel like going?"

"Literally anywhere that he isn't." I huff and hug her. "I'm sorry. He brings out the worst in me, this just brings everything from highschool all back to me." Mina smiles and takes my hand.

"I know, it's alright. Why don't we go get a nice burger and ice cream for after?" I smile at her and nod.


When we get there Mina decides to broach the subject again, "So, uh, how come you didn't tell me he texted you?" I look up from the menu and shrug.

"I dunno, it didn't seem important. He told me to stay away, and that's it."
"Huh, weird."

"I caught him laying into Izuku like back in High schook and I couldn't just let it slide. I had to step in. I guess he didn't like being stood up against."
"Just like old times, ey?" Mina giggles and smirk at her comment.

"Yeah, I guess so. He doesn't like it when someone tries to knock him down a peg or two." I laugh.

Just then the waitress walks over and takes our orders.

We chat, waiting patiently for our food when two milkshakes get brought over to the table. "Hey, uh, we didn't order these?" I say to the waitress.

"I know Sweetie, compliments to the cutie sat over there." She points to the bar and we both look around her, It's Bakugo again. "He said to tell you he wants lunch."

"Right, thanks." I pick up the milkshake, try some and slide out of the booth I'm sat in. "One sec, Mina" She nods and watches me. I smile sweetly as I walk over to him.

He turns his body towards me and leans his back and elbows on the bar as he smirks at me. "What you think? Nice?"

"Sure, wanna try?" I ask, with the nicest smile I could muster.

"Alright," he leans forward and takes one arm off the bar. Instead of handing him the glass, i tip it upside down over his head.

"Oops! I think I slipped." I say, putting my hand over my mouth and smiling sweetly.

He scoffs and laughs softly, "Alright then. Playing that game are we?" He stands up, leaving me face to face with his chest, I back up a step so I can look up at him. He picks up a handful of food off his plate and smears it over my face.

I smiled and laughed. I licked my lips and said "Oh, you're on, dick."

I can hear Mina laughing in the background and she shouts "FOOOOOD FIIIIIGHT!!"


After all hell broke loose, me and Mina decided the best course of action was to bolt it, leaving a very decent tip. We laughed the whole way back to our room, I had finally asked Mina what she thought of Bakugo.

When we got back to the room I jumped straight in the shower to try and save my hair from the ketchup massacre and thought about Mine and Mina's conversation. Do I really like him?

*****Flash back*****

"Bakugo? Well I mean, he's hot but, like, his temper is ridiculous. Why?" she asked.

"I don't know, theres just something about him I can't place. Like he's changed, but also not. He's making me feel weird, and I just don't know what to do about it." I start picking at my nails.

"Weird how?" She nudges me with her arm.

I sigh at her "I think I might like him, as stupid as that sounds, I know!" i hide my face in my hands.

She grins, "Well, you'll never know unless you try, amiright?!"

I look between my fingers at her and nod. "You're right."

*****End flashback*****

I stepped back into the room and towel dried my hair as I walked towards my bed. "You're phone has been going crazy, I'd text back whoever that is so they don't think your dead." She laughs and winks at me as she walks into the bathroom for a shower herself.

"Thanks, Mina. I'll take a look now." I place the towel on my bed and pick up my phone as I sit down.

*12 new messages.
*3 missed calls.

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now