Chapter 11 - Pancakes

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I started to stretch my arms out as I woke up but found a large, warm body pinning me down. An arm was draped over my waist and someone's head lying just above mine. What...? I slide myself away from the body and wipe my eyes groggily looking around. Where am I? I look back down at the sleeping body and everything comes flooding back to me. I smile and lean down to kiss Katsuki's cheek.

He makes a small groaning noise. "What time is it?" He stretches himself out.

"Uh..." I pick up my phone from the nightstand and read it. "It's 9.24" he looks up at me and smiles.

"You're hairs a mess." He laughs. I cover my face with my hands and hide in the pillow. "Hey, you look cute. Don't hide from me." he says as he pulls me back up and into a hug.

"Does that mean we have to get up now? I could happily stay in your arms forever." I sigh.

"We don't have to get up, no... But, I do really need a piss so I'm gonna have to leave you for just a minute." He says as he slides out of bed, but not before pecking me on my cheek. "I'll be quick. I promise!"

I watch him as he steps into his en-suite biting my lip. Fuck, he's a hot. I cover my face with my hands and shake my head. "I guess I had better get up then.." I drag myself out of bed, pick my phone up and investigate his bedroom. I run my fingers along everything as I look.

Two lone books sit on one of the shelves of his desk. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien and Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Two very different books there, Kat. I laugh to myself as I palm through the two books. Theres small indents at the top of the pages, I look to one.

He's highlighted some passages in the book, "May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks." I turn to another page "If more of us valued food and cheer and sing above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." It was like he had literally just looked up well known passages from the hobbit and highlighted them.

I feel his arms snake around my waist and his head sits on my shoulder." Being nosy are we?" he whispers in my ear.

"Sorry... I got bored..." I look up at him and away again quickly as I put his books back.

"Hey, it's fine. It's just some books, I'm not hiding anything." he takes my hand and spins me around so I'm facing him. I place my hands on the desk that backed up against. He looks into my eyes. "Do you remember last night?" He asks me.

I nod my head and smile at him. "Yes, I do remember. Boyfriend." I kiss him lightly on the lips as I say it.

He smiles into the kiss. "Good, I hoped you weren't too drunk to forget..."

"I could never forget last night." I say sheepishly.

He cocks his eyebrow at me. "Oh really? And why's that?" He teases.

"I--Well.." My eyes open wide. "I just... I enjoyed myself too much last night" I giggle.

"Oh you did, did you?" He says as he pushes my hair away from my neck and slowly and softly kisses it. His breath is sending shivers down my spine. I feel my head and eyes roll back to give him full access and my hands pull on his shirt. "Y/N, unless you want this to go further, you better stop moaning or I won't be able to help myself." He whispers into my ear.

"S-Sorry..." I manage to get out, I lift my head back up and lean it on his chest.

"Don't ever be sorry for sounding like that," He grips my waist tightly and pulls me close. "You don't realise what you're doing to me, Y/N."

I look up at him through my hair, I can see his eyes are closed and he's biting his lip. "Shall we go downstairs?" I ask quietly.

"If that's what you want..?" He asks.

"I'd rather stay here with you, but I know if I stay something will happen... That I reaalllyy want to happen ... Just not... Yet." He nods at me.

"Alright," He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. "Let's go then."


I'm sat on the counter top in the kitchen while I watch Katsuki make us pancakes. For such an angry boy, he knows how to cook, thats for sure. My legs swing back and forth and I lean forward on my hands.

"Do you want me to do anything?" I ask. He turns around to me, he's wearing a dark green Apron over his clothes, holding a whisk and a bowl.

"No, Y/N, I think I can manage." He laughs as he puts his finger in the bowl, scoops a bit if the mixture and rubs it on my nose.

I gasp at him. "You're gonna start this again are you?" I laugh at him. I grab a paper towel and wipe it away. "Dick." He just smirks at me and turns back around.


The smell of Katsuki cooking must have woken the others and slowly they all shuffled in, some looking more worse for wear than the others.

Mina drags herself over to me and plops her head on my lap. "You okay?" I ask her.

"Shhhhh... Too loud." She says covering her ears. I laugh and stroke her head.

Kiri walks over to her rubbing her back and says "Here." She looks up and he hands her 2 pills and a glass of water. "it'll make you feel better, I promise."

She nods and puts the pills in her mouth as she takes a swig then puts her head back down on her lap. "Thanks." He just smiles weakly and walks away.

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now