Chapter 40 - Locked Up

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I wake up with goosebumps covering my body and I am shivering. Ugh its so cold! "Kaaaat, give me the blanket!"I mumble into the sheets and reach out for him. "Kat?" I panic when I can't find him and call out again.

I open my eyes and quickly sit up. "Oh fuck..." Tears prick my eyes as everything comes flooding back to me and I rest my head in my hands. What have I done? I begin to regret my decision on going with Shinsou, then I remember what he said about the other girls.

I look around me and take in my surroundings with blurry eyes. I wipe the tears from my face and get up slowly. My head spins slightly and I can feel shooting pains behind my eyes. "Ugh, I drank way too much."

The bed that I was sat on is four-poster with silk sheets and multiple cushions at the top. The sheets are barely dishevelled as I only slept across the bottom half if it. I turn to my right and a large dresser sits with a long mirror on one of the doors. I take a look at myself and see how much of a mess I am.

My hair is standing on end, matted in more places than my hair is normal and my makeup is all down my face. I groan to myself and try my best to wipe away the disgusting remants on my face to no avail.

I remember Shinsou saying that he had everything I would need in here so turn around to look for a sink or some make up wipes. Thats when my eyes fall on the vanity. Theres a small pack of face wipes, a tiny trinket box, a mirror and a brush. Literally the basics.

I walk over to it and take out a wipe from the pack and lean towards the mirror to clean my face. After blackening two wipes I pick up the brush and rake it through my hair. "Ow, shit!" I say as it gets stuck in one of the matted knots. I tug and eventually it gets through it. I put my hand to my head and rub the spot that is now sore.

I desperately need a shower. I'm a mess. Just as I think that, the door to the room clicks and I turn abruptly.

I am expecting Shinsou to enter but the door doesn't budge. I squint as I hear small footprints receding and I approach the door. I open it, turning the door knob softly and poke my head out. I can see a short figure at the end of the hallway scurrying away without a look back and I step out into the hall.

Well,he said I have free reign here... So I guess I can use the shower right? I bite my lip and look around, expecting him to jump out at me at any second. I step back into the room and go to the dresser again, opening one of the doors, I scan the insides.

The hangers are all full with dresses, cardigans, jeans, tops and blouses. I open one of the drawers and it is full to the brim with underwear, bras, socks the lot. I furrow my brow. Did he actually think I would come back with him? Or is this just for any of the girls he brings here? I may aswell make myself at home I guess. I feel my heart twinge as I think of everyone he has hurt before, including me and grab the first bits of clothing I get my hands on, not bothering to look.

I leave the room again, leaving the door open and head towards the bathroom he indicated last night.

I step inside and notice a huge claw footed bath with taps in the middle, a seperate shower cubicle that is bigger than my bathroom in my dorm room, a toilet and a sink with cupboards either side with plenty of product on. Again this makes my heart pang with pain as I think of all the girls he's forced to use this bathroom, if he had as much decency for them as he did for me atleast. Decency? What the hell am I thinking? He forced me here, well co-erced me atleast, against my own free will. He has no shred of decency in his body.

I begin to undress, then stop to double check I had definitely locked the door behind me. When I am sure no one will walk in on me, I undress myself and turn the shower on. I put my hand under the water to test the temperature then step in letting the warm water soak me.

I can feel some of the tension slipping away from me as the hot water pounds my back and all the grime and mess from last night floods the floor. I close my eyes and think about Katsuki. I wish you were here, Kat. I don't know what to do. I feel my eyes starting to burn and my vision goes blurry again.

Shit, Y/N. You need to get a hold of yourself. I scold myself. Get washed, dried and dressed. Go back to the room and figure out what you are going to do. I nod to myself and listen to my own pep talk. After doing exactly what I told myself I head back to the room and slam the door behind me, making a point. I don't even know where he is, or if he heard it, but I don't care.

I pace the room, fiddling with my fingernails trying to come up with a plan of how I can get out of here. He threw my phone away so Katsuki can't use the tracker to find me. I wonder if he's gone to the police yet? Do I try to find Shinsou? Do I try to escape? I don't know what to do.

My thoughts are going a million miles an hour when there is a loud knocking on the door and then it opens.

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now