Chapter 25 - Shinsou ⚠️TW⚠️

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*⚠️A/N - This chapter talks about rape, drugs, abuse and more. If you are uncomfortable reading this then please skip. It's probably gonna be quite long so I don't have to drag it out through more than one chapter. ⚠️*


I can feel the darkness taking over.

My body caving in.

I'm being pulled forward by an invisible rope.

I feel it tugging me forward.

'What is going on?' I think to myself, 'Why can't I see anything?'

My body is pushed to the floor with a thud, my head cracks against it.

"Gahh!" I wince and put my hand up to the back of my head feeling something wet and sticky.

A sudden light comes on and his body is leaning over mine. His chain around his neck dangling close to my face.

He grips my shirt between his hands. "What is the matter with you? Shut up!" He shoves me back down.

"Shin? Wha-?" I am so confused...he just glares at me, sticks something sharp into my arm and I wince. He walks towards the door and slams it shut behind him, leaving me alone.

I look at my hands and see red, my vision goes blurry and everything fades to black.

*****Flashback ends*****

I wake up with a jolt. Sitting up straight, I can feel my heart pounding. My sudden outburst has woken Katsuki up beside me.

He sits himself up a bit, "Hey, what's wrong? Y/N?" He asks concerned. His hands come up to my face and he cups it with them both.

The look in his eyes, he is so scared. "I--" I start but can't bring myself to finish. Tears begin to stream down my face.

He pulls me in close and strokes my hair. "It's okay, Y/N. I've got you. I'm not gonna let you go, I promise." I'm gripping onto him, sobbing loudly and hiding my face in his chest.

When my sobs die down I allow myself to speak. "I--I'm s--sorry." I sniffle and wipe my nose in the sleeve of my top.

He looks at me with a small frown, his eyebrows pulled together in concern. "It's fine, I just want to make sure you're okay... What happened?" He asks, holding my hands between his own.

I close my eyes and put my forehead against his. "I--I had a nightmare..." I gulp. He let's go of one of my hands and brings it up to my face and strokes my cheek softly.

"Do--Do you want to talk about it?" He asks lifting me up softly so I'm sat in his lap, he leans against the bed post. My legs are on the one side of the bed and my back against the wall. I rest my head on his shoulder and nod slightly. He kisses me on the forehead and whispers, "When you're ready... I'm listening."

I smile softly and sigh. "It... It was about Shinsou."

He interlaces our fingers. "Your old boyfriend?" I nod my head. "Alright..."

"Uhh, our relationship... Was very... Traumatic." I bite my lip. "He was an awful boyfriend...he..." I clear my throat and try again. "He abused me." I blurt out.

His fingers squeeze tightly around mine and I hear him grit his teeth. "I swear, if I ever see him again, I'll--"

"I know! Kat, I... As much as I'd love for him to be dead... I really don't want ti have to achknowledge the fact he even exists anymore." I lean my head against the wall and sigh. "Seeing him again at the carnival.. It's just brought it all back to me. I thought it was over... I thought I was over it... Him."

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now