Chapter 47 - Home Again

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*A/N - WHAT?! This story now has 1.23k reads? When did that even happen? Thank you all so much!! I love you all so much❤️

I'm so, so sorry for not posting a new chapter for a while, please don't hate me! I've had a lot of shit going down in my personal life and I've also been running out of inspiration for this story since starting my new story (Which you guys should totally go check out btw! ;)). But I know how I want it to end? I'll try and wrap things up as best I can but please don't lose faith in me.

Sorry guys, gonna do a bit of self-promo! >< Considering I just mentioned it anyways... Why not? :D
It's an AoT ErenxLevi story based in a modern world. Theyre both like, completely ooc but I'm really loving the characters I've based off of them. Basically, if you like boyxboy, ereri, kind of slow burn stories, teasing etc I'd like to think you'd enjoy it! The first chapter is really iffy, but please give it a chance!

OKAYYYY, and with that I shall end this annoying Authors note, so for all of you that actually finished reading this without skipping over this, I Love you all! Please comment, vote and follow (I always follow back!) ❤️*


After multiple grueling hours with my parents, Katsuki and I had finally managed to subdue them. We had convinced them that I just needed some time to rest and sleep off the traumatic events so we're now up in Katsuki's room.

I told them I would go with them to the station tomorrow and give my statement on Shinsou, but right now, I just wanted to be in Katsuki's arms and just be with him.

Those days away felt like months, Shinsou was a psychotic maniac that clearly had some kind of screw loose or something or why else would he do what he did? Who does the things he's done, thinking it's all okay because he has "justifiable means"?

Nope, doesn't bide by me well at all. Something needs to be done, he is going down. For a long time.

"Hey, you okay?" Kat asks me softly.

My face instantly softens at his voice and I can feel the scowl slowly fade away as a smile takes over. "Yeah, sorry. Just stuck in my head."

"You sure? You wanna talk about it?" He asks, coming to sit next to me on his bed.

I let my head fall to his shoulder and he wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer and kisses me on the head, then rests his atop mine. "I just--I don't know. It wasn't like last time, it was weird, but still just as awful." I sigh.

"I really wish I could take it all away for you." He squeezes my shoulder and takes my hand. "That should never have happened."

I smile again at his words, and turn my head up to look at him. "Kat, it was my choice to go with him. No matter what you had done it wouldn't have changed anything. I still would have gone to save those girls." I scoff at the memory of what he told me in the car. "Not that that even made a difference anyway."

"What do you mean?" He furrows his brow.

"I mean, he lied to me. Yet again. I should never have believed him. He told me he'd let the girls go if I went with him, then when we got there he told me he had already let them go.. And then when he was turning himself in--"

"What? Turning himself in?" He pulls away from me slightly, confusion coating his face.

I laugh and tilt my head back. "Yep, yet another lie he told me. I don't know why I ever trusted a word he said. He said he would turn himself in, that's why we were in that car." I shake my head and sigh. "Somehow I managed to get him riled up and he admitted he was never going to turn himself in, nor had he ever let those girls go." I can feel tears forming in my eyes and I close them in frustration and turn my head away.

"So it was him in the car... I can't stand him for what he's done to you." I open my eyes and notice that his hand has now formed a fist.

I rest my hand over his and he stops visibly shaking but I can still feel the tension radiating off of him. "I know Kat, me either. But it's okay, I'm here with you now." I lift my hand to his cheek and stroke it with my thumb softly. He gives me a small smile and raises his fisted hand to rest atop mine.

"I know and I'm never letting you go again." He closes his eyes and touches his forehead to mine, trying to avoid the bandaged area. "I love you, Y/N. Please don't ever do that to me again." I can hear the sadness and sincerity in his voice.

"I won't Kat, I promise. I love you too, Kat." I gulp back more tears, but feel one trickle down my cheek.

He opens his eyes and notices it before wiping it away with the pad of his thumb. "Tell me what I can do to make this go away." I can see the torment on his face but I shake my head softly with a smile.

"I don't think there is anything you can do, Kat. When he's locked up I'll feel better, but until then, nothing will be able to change how I feel." I shrug.

He nods his head solemly and turns away. "I'm going to kill him." He says so softly that I almost can't hear him.

"What?" I ask him, not sure if I heard correctly.

"Nothing, I'm just glad you're back." He gives me a convincing smile and takes my hand. "Come on, let's get you some sleep."

I nod my head at him, accepting his answer. "I really need a shower and a change of clothes first." I laugh softly. "I feel disgusting."

He gives me his best shit eating grin. "Well, I didn't wanna say anything..."

I give him an evil stare and slap his arm with a laugh. "Hey!"

He laughs at my reaction, hard. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He shakes his head at me. "Damn, you're reaction was priceless."

"Fuck you." I pout and cross my arms.

"Hey, come 'ere. That's my line." He pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me and I melt into his warmth with a contented sigh. "You do need a shower though." I can feel his body shaking with laughter.

I push him away with a scowl and stomp to the bathroom. "Hey! I'm sorry!" I slam the door behind me. "It was a joke!"

I can still hear his laughter behind the door and I feel a small smile creep up my face. Damn, I've missed him.

After finishing up in the shower and changing into something more comfortable, I look at myself in the mirror and notice how worn out and pale I look. The bandage on my forehead just makes my skin look even more ashen than normal and I have bruising and a cuts coating my arms, torso, legs and nose.

I sigh at my reflection and begin to brush out my hair before throwing it up into a ponytail and walking back into Katsuki's bedroom.

I look to the bed and notice he is lying on his bed, an arm draped across his eyes and his chest is rising steadily as he breaths. He's asleep, how cute.

I smile at the sleeping boy that I have grown to love and join him on the bed, nuzzling into his side. He grunts appreciatively and wraps his other arm around me before turning his head towards me with a small smile. "You smell much better now." He says sleepily.

"Shut up and go back to sleep." I say with a playful scowl and kiss him lightly on the lips, he opens his eyes and returns it eagerly and I feel his entire body turn so its facing mine as he wraps another arm around me, pulling me closer.

"Oh god, I've missed those lips." He sighs contently.

"Just the lips?" I ask, a small smile playing on them.

"And other things..." He smirks, sliding a hand down my side and letting it rest on my thigh, I slap at his hand and shake my head. "I'm kidding! I missed you, more than you realise."

"I know, I missed you too. I'm just glad to be back in your arms." I say softly and rest my head against his chest.

He squeezes his arms around me and kisses my head softly. "Good night, Y/N."

"Good night, Kat." I reply with a yawn before I feel my eyes slowly close and I fade into sleep.

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now