Chapter 41 - Breakfast

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The door opens to reveal the one man I did not want to see right now. Shinsou. I feel my body go rigid, and the blood rushes from my face as I gulp.
"Hey. Breakfast is ready." He looks up at me and slowly his eyebrows come together as he notices my reaction to seeing him. "Are you okay?" He asks.

My eyes go wide with shock. Did he seriously just ask me that? I laugh. I full belly laugh at him and say "Excuse me?" when I recover and stare at him as my face turns into a scowl.

"What? I said, are you okay?" He repeats himself.

"Oh, I heard you." I stand there with my arms crossed.

"Okay." He says as he lets go of the door handle and returns my scowl. "Well, are you coming?"

"Coming where?" I ask him with a smirk, knowing full well where.

"To breakfast." He says tiredly.

I raise an eyebrow to him and turn around to look out of the window.

"Fine." He says with a sigh. "Go hungry, then." I hear him slam the door behind him.


After what feels like hours but is really just one, there is a light tapping on the door and it opens slightly. A young face peers through with a small smile. "Hi, uh, Master has asked me to bring you some food. Where would you like me to place it?" He asks as he steps in.

"Master?" I raise an eyebrow and shrug at him. "Wherever. I won't be eating it." I say as I turn away from the boy.

"Oh. Right." He says timidly and I hear him place something metal down and then light padding and a click as he leaves me. I could've atleast said thank you, I guess? I mean, he's not Shinsou.

The smell of the food wafts over to me and my stomach grumbles, I turn back around and see the tray sat on the vanity and walk over. I lift the metal cover and peer underneath. Poached egg on toast. My mouth starts salivating and I lick my lips. God, I'm so hungry. It feels like I haven't eaten in forever. I wolf the food down in just a few bites and wipe my face with the serviette that is on the tray.

Just as I finish there is another rap on the door and I roll my eyes. "Is there no end to the knocking?" I sigh and walk over to the door opening it gruffly.

Shinsou is standing there, he rocks on his feet and coughs to clear his throat. "Oh. Can I come in?" He asks.

I roll my eyes again and step away from the door. "It's your house. Do what you want." I stop in the middle of the room and cross my arms. We're back to the same position as we were this morning.

He notices the empty plate on the vanity. "You got the food then?" He asks nodding at it and I raise a brow at him. "Right." He stands straighter and clears his throat again. "I don't want you to feel like a prisoner here--"

"Let me go then." I interrupt him and stare him down.

"I can't do that." He says looking at me.

"Why not?" Just open the door and let me go, it's as simple as that." I scoff.

" It's really not that simple." He says softly.

" Oh really? And why is that?" I ask, taking a step towards him.

He looks up at me approaching him and his face changes, he looks at me sternly. "Stop." He says really low.

"Or what? You'll lock me up?" I ask and take another step towards him. "Oh wait, you've already done that." I take another step closer.

"Y/N." His voice is so low it's almost a growl. "Don't test me."

"There is literally nothing that you could do to me that you haven't already done. I am not afraid of you." I say exasperated.

He stalks towards me. "Oh really?" He says as I take a step back and gasp. "Nothing?" He looks me up and down with a smirk. "You have no idea."

I gulp, my confidence fading away. "No idea about what?"

"You have no idea what I am capable of. Just heed my warning, you listen to me or you will end up in the gutter wishing you were dead." He seethes in my face. I feel his hot breath on my face and gulp again. I can feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead and I drop my eyes from his." That's what I thought." He says, smirking again.

He steps away from me and approaches the door. He turns back around and the scowl on his face has disappeared, a look of concern taking over. "I'll have someone come collect the tray."

"Wh--what?" I ask, my hands trembling. His mood swings are terrifyingly confusing.

"Don't worry about cleaning up, I'll have someone else do it. Do you want a tour of the place?" He asks me.

"You're kidding right?" I laugh sheepishly.

"No...?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You were literally just in my face threatening me... Now you want to take me for a tour of your house?" I ask shaking my head.

"Well... Do you?" He shrugs.

"Uh..." I put my hand on my already throbbing head and shake it. "I don't know!" I ask with a hiss.

"You okay?" He asks, he's now standing right in front of me and has pulled my arm away from my face and placed his other hand on my cheek, looking at me so tentatively.

I take a step away from him in shock and hold my breath.

"Sorry." He looks away from me "I don't know what I was thinking." and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I stand there, shell shocked and completely confused. "What the fuck was that?" I ask the empty room.

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now