Chapter 44 - What Have You Done?

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We're sat in the car silently as I drive down the road out of his estate. I tap my fingers against the steering wheel nervously as I wait for his next outburst, or for him to change his mind and make me turn back.

But it doesn't come.

I continue on the road for another five minutes before he starts talking. "I want you to know that I tried. This is me trying to prove to you I never meant any of it. Me letting those girls go, letting you do what you want in the house.... This. It's all for you, Y/N."

I stay silent, staring straight ahead at the road. I don't want him to have the satisfaction of a reply. Even if he's trying to mean well, to change, it makes up for nothing of his past.

"Are you really just going to ignore me? I'm trying to apologise here. Y/N." He says, his tone getting more and more aggressive as he speaks. "Don't make me regret this."

I turn my face to him and his eyes are as cold as ice as he looks at me. Shocked, I turn back to the road. "I--I'm not ignoring you. I've told you before, I can't just forgive you."

"But why?!" He says, exasperated. "You can see I've changed!" He slams his hand down on the dashboard and I jump at the sudden noise, causing us to spin out slightly but I quickly correct our course again.

"B--Because! It's just not that simple." I look at him again, making my voice soft so as not to aggravate him further. "It was years of my life, Shinsou."

It's his turn to look away from me now shaking his head. "You had good memories in there too, you know."

"Some, yeah. Mainly at the beginning of our relationship, but then things changed." I shrug, looking back at the road. "I don't know what happened to you, to us. But everything shifted."

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I truely am." He says, his voice sounds so heartfelt I can actually feel some old feelings stir for him.

I shake my head softly and make those feelings go away. "With time, okay? I'm sure I can forgive you with time."

"Okay, I'll take that. Thank you." He sighs in relief and I can see him visibly relax in the corner of my eye.

"So... About those other girls?" I ask tentatively and I can see him instantly stiffen.

"Did you have to bring that up?" He growls.

"Uh--no. I didn't have to. I'm just curious." I say softly.

"What about them?" He monotones and I can feel my nerves going again.

"Wha--" I swallow the lump in my throat and start again. "What happened to them?"

"I told you. I let them go."

"Just like that?" I ask quizzically.

"Just like that." He drones looking out of the window. I watch his face turn into a wicked smile and I gulp. The atmosphere in the car shifts and I tense up.

"Do you know if they are okay?" I ask nervously looking at him. He shrugs. "You don't know?" I ask.

"No, I know. But I also know you won't like the answer." He deadpans.

"What do you mean, Shinsou?" I can feel my chest tightening and my eyes clouding with unshed tears knowing full well what is coming.

I knew he could never change. This is all just a game to him.

"I mean, I let them go, but I never told you they were alive when I did." My demeanor completely falters and the tears fall, my breath catches and my arms go slack on the wheel.




I can't breath, my body isn't responding and I can see that the car is going off-road.


It's like my body has rewound itself back three years and I can't control it. I can barely think, let alone move.

What did he do? Did he really kill them?

I can hear Shinsou cackle in the seat beside me, he undoes his seatbelt, opens his door and launches himself out.


My body is still not responding.

I watch through the windscreen as a tree approaches the car at full speed.

Oh no.

I feel my body go numb before the car collides and my last coherent thought before everything fades to black is:

I'm sorry, Katsuki. I love you.


My eyes open slowly, and I take in my surroundings. But I'm so confused, I don't understand what I'm looking at.

My head is throbbing and I raise a hand, my vision is blurry and my hand comes up in front of me and I see double.

I touch it to my forehead and it is covered in a red sticky substance when I pull it back.


A sudden sharp pain envelopes me again and my vision fades to black once more.



"Y/N! Oh God, please no."

"Can you hear me?"

I can hear a voice inside my head and it sounds just like someone familiar but I can't quite place it.

"Y/N? Please!" There it is again... Please help me whoever you are, I don't know what's going on.

"I've got you, Y/N. I won't let you go, never again."

Okay, that sounds nice.

I feel warm arms surround my body and I lean into them, gladly.

"Can you hear me, Y/N?" It's that voice again, but it's not inside my head anymore.

I turn my head to the voice and groan as I feel a sharp pain shooting up my arm and across my head.

"It's okay, Y/N. Don't try to move I've got you, okay."

I mumble something, I'm not even sure what and I hear a familiar chuckle that warms my heart.

"I love you so much, Y/N. Don't ever do this to me again, you hear?"

I can hear sirens in the background and I'm placed on the hard ground, my head and upper body still in the warm body's arms.

"It's okay, I'm here to help you now and so are the paramedics. You can relax now, go back to sleep." I can feel warm fingers stroke my face and my body goes slack once more as I do as the voice tells me.

*A/N - Ouch, that angst though. That was painful to write, I hope you guys can forgive my absence yet again and not posting since like July! I also hope tjatcan forgive me for throwing you right into this shitstorm! But don't worry, the rainbow is coming soon, I promise!

Also, over 1k reads, what?!?!?! Thank you guys so much!❤️*

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now