Chapter 43 - A Turn Of Events

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I lay on the bed staring through the window blankly and sigh softly. Although I'd only been here for 5 days now, it felt like I'd been here for weeks. The days were dragging along so slowly.

Shinsou rarely even came to see me, and the door was always unlocked. Not that i felt the need to leave, why would i want to risk seeing him? He had his "slaves" come and check on me, they gave me plates of food and always returned with fresh jugs of water; asking if there was anything I needed.

There was a light tap on the door and the young boy popped his head in. "Miss, Sir has asked for your presence in the lounge." I look over my shoulder and I raise my eyebrow at him. "He made sure that I told you he said 'Please.'" he said with a small smile.

I huff and roll my body off of the bed. "Not like I have anything better to do..." I say as I slump towards the door and follow him down the hall.

We take the stairs down to the main entrance and he leads me towards a room I haven't ventured to yet. There were three or four chaise longues and a large fireplace with a loveseat in front.

As I took in the grand decor of the room I noticed Shinsou stood on the far side looking out of the window. He held a small glass in his hand with a dark liquid in it. He turned to me with a scowl on his face as we entered.

"Y/N." He said, monotoned.

"Shinsou." I replied just as monotone.

The young boy gave a small bow and left, closing the doors behind him.

I step towards the fireplace and gently touch the mantle of it. "What do you want?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Why do you stay in your room? I told you you can go anywhere you like in this building, yet you stay in that room." He stepped closer to me as he spoke.

I look to him and scoff. "Look, I've told you before... This is not going to be some kind of 'Beauty and the Beast' scenario. I am not going to just forgive and forget everything that you have done, so don't expect me to!"

He looked taken aback by my abrupt exclamation and turned away, his eyebrows coming together. "Y/N, I don't expect it to happen so suddenly...but...I'd like us to become more than enemies." He looks like he is deep in thought and chews his lip. "I don't want you to hate me." He looks up at me, sorrow in his eyes as he says that and comes closer again.

I step away, causing him to stop his approach. "I never wanted to hurt any of you, I just--I can't help it. Something just takes over me when I get angry or upset." He says softly.

"You can't help it?!" I laugh. "You've got to be kidding me. Are you being serious? You cannot try to palm off the abuse you've inflicted upon so many people on something you can't control!"

"You're right, I have hurt so many people, but It's not like that! You don't understand, I don't want to be like this--" He looks at me sharply.

"You know exactly what you are doing when you do the things you do!" I laugh again and shake my head at him.

His eyes open wide "I--" He closes his eyes and his jaw clenches, when he opens them his eyes are clouded over. "Fine. Be like that." He turns away from me again and takes a sip of his drink. "Just go back to your room if that's what you want."

"Fine." I storm towards the doors and open one of them, before leaving I turn to him. His back is to me as he stares out the window again, his shoulders are slouched. "You know what Shinsou, you're a coward. You do all this and do nothing to show you want to change. Why keep me here? Why set those girls free?"

He ignores me and continues to stare out of the window. "If you don't want to be the way you are, you need to do something about it. You need to turn yourself in and pay for what you have done." I say before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind me.

I start to walk around the house when I realise I could easily open the front door and leave so I approach it. I raise my hand to the door, look around to see if anyone is watching me and then turn the handle.

The door opens and I let out a small sigh of relief as I step outside. I don't even think twice before I take the steps two at a time and start walking towards the gate.

I look over my shoulder, Shinsou is stood at the doorway. "You're right, Y/N." I stop in my tracks and turn slowly around.

"What?" I ask as I stumble backwards.

"I said 'You're right.'" He steps down towards me. "Come on. Get in the car." He walks towards it, his keys in hand.

I hesitate at first, unsure of what his intentions are. "Y/N, you need to come with me now before I change my mind. You're driving." He holds the keys out to me and I step forward and take them before I chicken out.

"You're turning yourself in?" I ask him as I watch him.

He walks around to the passenger seat and sits down, buckling up. "Let's go." My body bounces into action and I get into the drivers seat, buckling my seatbelt. I look at him, he just sits there, looking down at his hands and twiddles his fingers. "Please, just go. I want to get this over with." I nod at him and start the car.

*A/N- Sorry its been so long! I lost a lot of inspiration so have been reading to try and get some!*

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now