Chapter 5 - Text Me

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*12 new messages.
*3 missed calls.

What? The missed calls are from Bakugo. I scroll through the messages, they're also from Bakugo. Is he serious, right now?

>How's the ketchup?

>This milkshake is pretty good.

>Oi, bitch tits. You there?

>You're not allergic to ketchup are you? LOL


>L/N, answer your god damn phone.

>Are you okay?

>I swear to god if you dont answer your phone I'm gonna come over there and kill you.



>Hey, look, I'm sorry about earlier, Okay?

>If you're just gonna ignore me then I take it back. I'm not sorry.

Wow, I wonder if he actually cares.

I was in the shower, I'm fine. <


Nice to know you care about me though! <

>I don't.

Whatever you say, Blasty Boi<

I smirk to myself and place my phone back down. I walk over to my wardrobe and grab some clothes seeing as my old ones are ruined.

I have a mid-length charcoal skater dress and tights. I look at myself in the floor length mirror, turn slightly so i can see the back of my dress and begin brushing my hair.

I hear my phones text alert go off. I frown slightly is that him again? What does he want now? I decide to ignore it and begin french plaiting my hair. It goes off again. He's so persistent damnit.

I walk over to my phone.

>I'm outside.

>You coming?

It's him... I can feel something stirring in my belly. Wait, why do i care so much? I bite my lip. Should I? What harm can it do? I smile and slip my leather jacket on and tie up my boots.

"Mina, I'm going for a walk, i won't be long!" I hear a small okay and head out, locking the door behind me. I slip my hands into my pockets and walk down the corridor.

I reach the main doors and I can see him leaning against a tree, his phone in his hand looking at something. I can't believe I'm even thinking this, but, hes so hot. I bite my lip again and walk over to him.

"Hey." He looks up at me and puts his phone into his back pocket.

"Hey." he smooths his fringe out of his eyes. "Uh, do you wanna go for a walk?" I nod. Why is he being so shy?

It's getting dark out, its about 6.45pm and the sun is setting. We're walking through the field and i motion towards a bench that's overlooking the sunset. He nods and follows me.

"So, what did you want to see me for?" I ask tentatively.

He slides his hand to the back of his neck and looks up at the sky. "Honestly?" He looks back down at me with a smile. "I don't know. I just knew I had to see you again." A small smile crept up my face.

"Really?" I let out a laugh. His smile fades.

"What? I mean. Not like that..." He looks away.

I shake my head at him. "Hey, it's okay." I place my hand on his knee, he looks at it, and I pull it away again. "I wanted to see you again too. I think..." I bite my lip.

"You think...?" he asked looking at me biting my lip.

"To be honest, I don't know what to think. You've come here out of the blue... And you're just so different, but also just the same. I don't get it." I said quietly.

"Yeah, I know. We hate each other, don't we?" I look up at him as he chews his cheek and then continues.

"I mean, we do, right? Or... Is this something else now?"

"Something else, like what?" I ask, my eyebrows came together to form a frown. "What else could we be?"

"Friends, maybe?" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"You? Me? Friends? HA! C'mon, Bakugo, like we could be friends." I look out at the sunset.

"Hey, we had fun earlier didn't we?" He leans forward on his knees.

"Well, yeah, I mean, but, we were arguing." I said incredulously and look at him.

He flinched as I said that. "Well, I didn't think we were arguing, I was actually trying to flirt but... Yeah. I'm not the best at that."

"Flirting? Right, yeah you're not great at it then." I laugh.

He looks at me sheepishly, "Do you think we could start over? Like, try and forget everything before now, everything in highschool? I'm not the same as back then."

"What about when I caught you with Izuku, yesterday?"

"Wait, what? Nooo, you've got it all wrong. It wasn't like that. Me and him, we're friends now. It's just kinda hard to shake old habits with him. I mean, i don't like his boyfriend but that's not him, but I don't think i ever have, or ever will like that guy."

"His boyfriend?"

"Shit--forget I said that."

"Wait, do you mean Shoto?" I say with a grin on my face.

He looks up at me and says "Yeah, they've been seeing eachother for a while now. I just don't like that extra." He snarls as he thinks about him.

I laugh, "No, I don't think you've changed that much, Bakugo. You have that same fire to you." he smiles at me.

"I guess so. Hey, call me Katsuki, okay? If we're gonna be friends, we should use our first names now."

I smile at him, "Okay, Katsuki, and you can call me Y/N." I stand up and put my arms out to him.

"Uhh, what are you doing?" he asks looking up at me stupid.

"Get up you loser, It's a hug." he gets up slowly and I wrap my arms around his waist, leaning my head against his chest and I can hear his heart beating fast.

I look up at him, "Well, hug me back atleast then!" I laugh and I can feel his belly shake a little as he chuckles then wraps his arms around me and rests his head on mine.

"Friends?" He asks with a smile.

"Yeah, we can be friends." I smile back.


A/N - Hey guys, just wanted to check and see what you're all thinking of this so far? I know I've not done much yet, but I wanted to know if It's going too fast/too slow. Need more details etc? Lemme know in the comments. Thanks, love yah! ❤️

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now