35 - We Need To Talk

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Mina, Kiri, Katsuki and I finished up our food and said our goodbyes to everyone then walked to the car to head home. Kiri and Mina walked hand in hand while I trailed behind because for some reason, Katsuki seemed to be avoiding me.

He had rushed on ahead and was walking in front of us. I frowned to myself, trying to think of what I had done to upset him. Did I say something to him last night? Why can't I remember?

Kiri and Mina decided to sit in the back together, leaving me to sit in the front with Katsuki. He kept giving me side long glances while I fiddled with my hands. If either of them had noticed the silent treatment we seemed to be giving eachother, they didn't say anything.

Not that they would notice, neither of them had taken their tongues out of each others mouths since getting into the car which actually made me feel really jealous considering my boyfriend wouldn't even talk to me.

What the hell have I done? I could actually feel my eyes burning and my vision going blurry. Shit, I'm so stupid. Just ask him. "Okay, Fine!" I blurt out.

Everyone just looks at me. Katsuki raises his eyebrow at me but doesn't say anything. "Why the hell are you giving me the silent treatment?" I ask him.

He clears his throat, still looking at the road and says, "I'm not."

"Right. Okay." I cross my arms across my chest and stare out of the passenger window. "Why the hell is that the first thing you've said to me since we left the cafe then?"

He taps the steering wheel and I look to him, he has a scowl on his face. "I don't want to talk about it, right now."

What? So I have done something then. I scoff at him but stay silent.

We spend the rest of the journey in an awkward and uncomfortable silence. Even Mina and Kiri had stopped kissing and just sat there.

Once we arrive I get out quickly and slam the door behind me walking to the house. I grab my key out of my pocket and open the door then storm upstairs. "I'll get your bags then! Don't worry!" Katsuki shouts sarcastically after me. I just flip him off.


A few minutes later I hear his footsteps as he approaches the room. He enters, throws my bag down and goes straight into his bath room. I huff and throw myself back onto his bed. Christ, it must have been something bad for him to be like this...either that or he's just being a baby. I place my arm over my eyes and just wait for him to come back out.

The door to the bathroom opens, the light goes off and I feel a small dip in the bed as he sits down. "You going to talk to me now?" I ask.

The bed wobbles as he sits back against the wall. "I guess. You sure you don't remember anything?" He asks.

"No! I'd tell you if I did. Is that what this is about? That I can't remember?" I sit up and stare at him.

"Kind of, yeah!" He looks at me with a frown. "Have you even looked at your phone yet?"

I give him a confused look, get up off the bed and go to get it out of my bag. "No. It's dead so I haven't had a chance to look at it."

He groans and wipes his hand down his face. "What?" I say as I plug it in. "Will you just tell me please?"

I stand there waiting for an answer. "You called me last night." He leans his head back against the wall. "And I assumed that you were all playing some kind of game or something."

My eyebrows come together in concern. "Oh god... What did I do?" I ask as I walk over to the bed and sit down next to him.

"You... Well you were in the bathroom at the time and you said everyone was asleep..." He starts.

"Okay...? I'm not sure I like where this is going..." I say with a worried look.

"Trust me, you won't." He says looking at me plainly. "You started stripping... And told me that you wanted everyone to see."

"Wait, what?" My eyes go wide. "I didn't...no..." With that, my phone lights up and I grab it. "Shit." I have notification after notification showing up.

Holy shit. What the fuck have I done?

I click on one of the notifications and a video loads up.

It's a screen recording of mine and Katsuki's video call...of me... Stripping.

"Why the fuck would I do that to myself?" I ask. I quickly read through the comments.

>Wow, you must be drunk!


>Yes girl!

>What are you doing?




There's a random assortment of both good and bad comments and I'm absolutely mortified. I look at Katsuki. "I am so sorry... I don't know why I did that!"

"I don't know why you did either..." He shakes his head. "Now do you understand?"

I just shake my head and put my hand to my head. "Is there even any point in deleting this? Literally everyone has seen this."

"Well, that's up to you, I guess. It's your body that's out there... But, personally, I'd rather keep that material just for me." He says with a smirk.

"Waaait, do you actually like this?" I ask.

"Well, yeah. But... Not when everyone I know can see it too!" He says and takes my hand. "You're mine. I don't want to share you."

"Are you jealous, Kat?" I ask.

"No...! Well... Kind of, yeah." He says and looks down.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Well it's not like I really want this online anyway, so I'm gonna delete it. I don't even know..." I laugh softly and delete the video.

"Thank you..." He says. "You don't even realise the shit Kiri has given me for that. And it really pissed me off!"

"Hey, I'm sorry! I don't want anyone to see me like that... Except you. I promise, I will never do anything like that again. Just make sure you're with me next time I get drunk, okay?" I laugh and hug him.

"I know. I will, don't worry. Sorry for reacting like that, but seriously, you're not leaving my side again!" He laughs and kisses me softly. "C'mon... Let's go do something."

[ON HOLD] Soft Boi Katsuki - A Bakugo x reader College AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now