Book 2 Title Voting

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Alrighty, here's how this is gonna work! I'm pulling out the recommended titles and the ones that were voted on, and listing them below. Everyone gets 2 votes. The top 2 will be the titles for the 2nd and 3rd books. To vote, comment on the title you like. I'll decide which title goes to which story. The voting is open until Monday, May 25. It will be closed sometime that day and the winners will be announced. The accounts tagged beside names are who submitted them. If there's no tag, it's one of my ideas. Have fun!

Mommy Hale

The Hale's Luna

The Mother of Beacon Hills

Protector of Beacon Hills (amythelittlewolf)

The Mother of Wolves (RavenBrett)

Derek's Luna (amythelittlewolf)

True Luna (amythelittlewolf)

Luna Hale (amythelittlewolf)

The New Hales (CrazyAssAzula)

Mama HaleWhere stories live. Discover now