15. sexy

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"The carebear and the baby penguin, the dream team!"

After a wake up call from Brittany's stork pregnancy scare and a little encouragement from Holly Holliday, Mr Schue decided that it was time for the new directions to get educated about intimacy and sex

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After a wake up call from Brittany's stork pregnancy scare and a little encouragement from Holly Holliday, Mr Schue decided that it was time for the new directions to get educated about intimacy and sex.
Mr Schue had written sexy across the whiteboard in large letters and Santana sighed.
"I really hope that's not a requirement for regionals because with Berry in those tights we don't stand a chance." Santana spat, giving Rachel a disgusted look.
"Hey that's not fair. Rachel is beautiful." Katy scolded her,
"I mean your care bear innocence isn't gonna help us either." Santana said spiteful making Katy look down, embarrassed,
"I think you're crazy sexy." Sam pouted, reassuring her, leaning his head on her shoulder to make her smile.
"This isnt about regionals, I'm less worried about that right now, we're more worried about the fact that it's become clear to me that some of you have been lacking when it comes to um understanding the uh intricacies of uh an adult relationship." Mr Schue stuttered, awkwardly,
The glee club giggled to themselves at Mr Schue's awkwardness about the subject, none of them able to keep a straight face.
"Anyways, along with preparing for our regionals next week, I wanna spend the week educating ourselves about some of these intricacies." Mr Schue continued,
"Is this the appropriate form for that?" Rachel frowned.
"Look, whenever we've had issues in the past that are on our minds and giving us problems, it's always helped us to sing about it. So this week I have invited a special guest." Mr Schue explained pointing to the door in introduction, "Miss Holliday!"
"Hola classe!" Miss Holliday smiled, strutting into the class to a room of cheers and excitement. They all loved their time with Miss Holliday so any more time with her as their teacher was a bonus.
"Okay so sex. It's like hugging, only wetter." She told them bluntly.
"Yeah it is!" Artie agreed as Katy gave him a strange look,
"Okay so let's start with the basics: Finn! Is it true that you believed you got your girlfriend pregnant via hot tub?" Holly asked, as Finn perked his head up at his name and listened to her question attentively,
"I've always been dubious." He muttered, making Katy giggle and smile at him slightly,
"And Brittany, you think that storks bring babies?"
"I get all my information from Woody woodpecker cartoons." Brittany replied, explaining herself,
"Well that's all gonna end right here right now because today we're gonna get under the covers, all together and get the ditty on the dirty!" Holly exclaimed.
"I'm so turned on right now." Katy heard her brother mutter under his breath, eyes wide with excitement and gave him a look that was slightly amused and slightly disgusted.
"What about those of us who wish to remain celibate?" Rachel asked, motioning to herself and Quinn, making Santana roll her eyes.
"Well I admire you. Although I think you're naive and possibly frigid, I do admire your choice." Holly explained calmly.
"I think it's a good time for our song!" Mr Schue intervened.
"Oh yes! Okay! Rule number one, every intimate relationship you're ever going to have is gonna start with a touch... hit it!"
(song- do you wanna touch me? sang by Holly Holliday)
Katy was glad she'd chosen to wear her butterfly vest top underneath her denim jacket that day as it totally fitted with the song. Miss Holliday had asked her, Brittany and Santana to dance alongside her in the song and she'd had so much fun that she forgot about all the worries and stresses she was thinking about prior to the lesson and just enjoyed dancing and having fun with her friends. Although the problem was that most of them were pretty turned on after the performance and all just wanted a make out session, not to have to go to their next class.

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