3. jagged little tapestry

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"We won't become Mr Schue's I promise you!"

It was Jagged Little Tapestry week and with four members now in the glee club, Rachel and Kurt were able to set them a proper assignment

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It was Jagged Little Tapestry week and with four members now in the glee club, Rachel and Kurt were able to set them a proper assignment. After everyone discovered they had some issues co-teaching together, despite being best friends, Santana and Brittany had taken it upon themselves to do the introductory mash up for the group.

They'd chosen to do a mash up of Carole King's 'I Feel The Earth Move' and Alanis Morissette's 'Hand In My Pocket' and as per usual for Brittana, it was amazing. Managing to get everyone dancing in their seats, they all smiled along obliviously as Santana felt her heart beating slightly faster by every second.

Holding out her hand towards the couple to applaud them, Rachel beamed ecstatically, "now that is how a mash up is done everybody!"

Stopping her before she could get up to continue with the lesson, Santana let out a shaky breathe, "no, this is. Britt can you take a seat?" Nodding in thanks as Brittany sat down on the chair in front of her, full of nervous excitement, Santana pushed back her shoulders to start, "so I figured that this is as good a place as any to ask you this question, um mainly because it's gonna upset all the single guys and girls in here. But I want to mash up with you forever, Britt. I mean, some people love someone because they make you a better person but that's not why I love you because you've always just wanted me to be myself. You're my favourite person in the whole world and we're a big deal, you know? Like however many times we've tried to put our thing down and walk away from it, we can't because I don't want to live my life without my one true love. And I normally use a lot of words when I'm saying something negative and since this is the most positive thing I'm ever going to do, I'm gonna keep it simple. Brittany S. Pierce, will you marry me?"

Watching excitedly as Santana got down on one knee and held out a ring, Katy and Rachel clasped onto each other's hands with beams plastered across their faces.

"Wait, what's going on?" Roderick asked, utterly confused at how fast things seemed to be moving.

"Just go with it, this type of thing happens in here all the time." Puck leant across and told him, waving off his confusion casually.

"Oh my god, I'd love to!" Brittany answered, excitedly slipping the ring onto her finger and standing up to throw her arms around her.

As everyone applauded them loudly and happily, Kurt stood up with a massively disapproving frown on his face, "I'm sorry, I have to speak now or forever hold my peace."

Quickly intervening with a calm tone of voice, Quinn laughed slightly to hope it softened the blow, "usually you save that kind of thing for the wedding."

"Did you learn nothing from me and Blaine?" He protested bitterly, ignoring Quinn, "we're too young to get married, all of us are!"

"Well I think it's lovely." Katy called out, standing up to congratulate her friends with a wide smile on her face, "I'm really happy for both of you. This is so great."

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