1. the purple piano project

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"Because we love you, and we want you to be happy!"

"Katy Puckerman! Our viewers have demanded info on your relationship with Sam Evans aka Trouty mouty aka hobo mcbieber!" Jacob Ben Israel finally managed to corner Katy, who groaned loudly, shoving the camera and microphone in her face, she ignore...

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"Katy Puckerman! Our viewers have demanded info on your relationship with Sam Evans aka Trouty mouty aka hobo mcbieber!" Jacob Ben Israel finally managed to corner Katy, who groaned loudly, shoving the camera and microphone in her face, she ignored him, looking around for any of her friends from glee club to save her. "Come on! Twitter says you've both changed your relationship status to heartbroken, but not deleted any pictures together. So are you single? Or not?" He continued to press her until she gave in.
"Me and Sam aren't together anymore, okay? We broke up when his family moved out of state so we'd end on good terms, we spent a lot of the holiday together but we decided that we'd rather end on a good note, rather than falling apart due to long distance." Katy explained quietly,
"How do you feel about the break up?" JBI asked her, adamant on answers.
Katy opened her mouth to reply but found herself scowling at him, "you know what? I really don't think I'm comfortable having this conversation with you."
"Do it for the viewers baby Puckerman, do it for the viewers, they want to know!" He persuaded,
"All I'm gonna say is that I really miss him, and that you and your viewers can go screw themselves." Katy shouted, getting emotional, as Santana rushed over, pushing through the crowd to help the small redhead.
"I'm not scared of you, I've been hit by bigger girls than you, now one more question..."
"Did you not hear her? Get out of her face or I will go all Lima heights!" Santana yelled, protectively, pushing the camera guy away and pulling Katy away into the safety of the girls bathroom.
"Thanks Tana. I'd managed to avoid them for so long, I thought I'd gotten away Scot free, I wasn't so lucky with the slushies though." Katy sighed,
"You okay? They managed to catch up with me too this morning." Santana asked, trying to reassure her.
"They were asking about Sam." She replied quietly, "I really didn't want to talk to them about him. That's how we met, he defended me from JBI." she explained as Santana's usually hard expression softened, pulling the younger girl into a hug.
"I get it. Come on, I'll walk you to glee club." The Latina smiled, throwing a very dirty glare at the group of bloggers, who were eyeing the two girls as they made their way down the corridor and into the choir room.
They had to step round the trophies that had been laid in the middle of the floor to stand next to Brittany who was marvelling over them.
"I was sure our nationals trophy would grow over the summer." She pouted, sensing Katy's tense, slightly sad expression and throwing her arms round her shoulders.
"I want this image burned into your mind." Mr Schue announced, "this is what the difference between first and twelfth place looks like. It's also what it feels like."
"Are you planning on bumming us out all year long?" Puck complained, sitting down,
"No." Mr Schue explained, "im planning on pushing you harder than you've ever been pushed. We made it to nationals last year, this year I'm not going to let anyone or anything stop us from winning it all, I let you all down last year. I lost focus, I let a broadway pipe dream get in the way."
"And we're really sorry that the guy who replaced you in April Rhodes' musical won the tony! I can only imagine your regret." Rachel exclaimed, insensitivity,
Katy rolled her eyes at her.
"Yeah. You wanna know what I regret? Being the laughing stock of the show choir world!" Mercedes glared at Rachel spitefully.
"Mercedes has a point. Finn and Rachel's 'the kiss that missed' already had twenty thousand views on YouTube! And the comments section is full of pithy banter like 'why's that T-Rex eating the jew?" Kurt added in, making Katy laugh.
"How many times do we have to apologize?!" Finn sighed, guiltily.
"The school hates us even more now." Mike muttered, glumly,
"Which is why we need to work even harder to recruit new members this year, we're already three men down." Mr Schue explained,
"Yeah only because Puckerman couldn't convince Zizes to stay." Santana spat,
"She's the one who got away- very, very slowly." Puck sighed, reminiscing on his relationship with Lauren.
Santana opened her mouth to continue but Katy stopped her, knowing exactly what she was going to say,
"Don't even say it." She held her hand up to stop her speaking, trying not to look anyone in the eye.
After a while of awkward silence, Tina spoke up, "where's Quinn?" She asked.
"MIA." Artie sighed, sadly, "No ones heard from her, it's sad, I miss her."
"Me too." Katy agreed quietly.
"No ones going to join Mr Schue." Mercedes stated.
"Yes they will." Mr Schue said, encouragingly, "all they need is a little inspiration, and I happen to have some! Courtesy of Al Motta of Motta pianos, bring em in guys!" He smiled, as the band wheeled in three beautifully painted purple pianos.
"They're gorgeous!" Katy squealed, clasping Tina's hand excitedly.
"Okay! If there are purple pianos involved then I am on board!" Kurt exclaimed, beaming, as he, Tina, Katy and Brittany skipped up to examine the musical instruments.
"These pianos were repossessed from foreclosed homes, they're cast offs, just like all of us, used, in need of repairs." Mr Schue told them,
"But they're still capable of making beautiful music." Tina smiled, sweetly.
"Yeah, so Mr Motta, as a lover of the arts, agreed to donate them to glee. I fixed them up and the purple piano project was born. Now I'm going to be placing these grapey uprights randomly throughout the school, and whenever you see one, no matter what you're doing, I want you to sing a song." Mr Schue explained, "now use the assignment to try and attract kids just like you, kids who can't keep the music inside of them. Those are the kind of additions that we need to win this year. Now for many of you, this is your last year, let's make it special!"

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