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"I love you too, even if you steal my cake!"

"I love you too, even if you steal my cake!"

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JUNE 17th 2017

Sam and Katy were finally getting married and they were both very excited.

Katy was sat in her dressing room with her bridesmaids, Brittany, Rachel, Marley, Kitty, Quinn and Santana, smiling into the mirror as Quinn did the finishing touches on her hair.

"You look beautiful, babe." Rachel breathed out as Quinn finished off, standing back to admire Katy's long ginger curls as they fell, gracefully across her shoulders.

"For once Berry's right. You look stunning." Santana agreed, giving Rachel a playful smile, which she returned.

"I feel beautiful." Katy beamed, biting her lip slightly as she stared back at herself.

As if she could read her mind, Marley was next to speak up, "Sam's gonna love it. He won't be able to keep his eyes off you."

Katy looked round to see all her best friends nodding back at her and took a deep breathe of air to compose herself.

"Are you nervous?" Brittany asked her, knowingly.

"A little bit." She admitted, "but I've never been more sure about anything in my life."

Then, Kitty came into the room, holding onto Lizzie's hand as she toddled along besides her. Kitty was really taking being a godmother in her stride, she loved Lizzie and Lizzie clearly loved her and that made Katy happy.

Tugging on Kitty's dress to catch her attention, Lizzie stood up on her tip-toes to whisper into her ear, "mommy looks like a princess."

"She does doesn't she?" Kitty agreed softly, grinning as Lizzie ran over towards her mom, giggling as she picked her up and held her on her lap.

"Look at you! You look so pretty, baby!" Katy smiled fondly, pressing her lips against her daughters nose and stroking her hand across her hair.

A knock came at the door and the voice of Noah Puckerman echoed through the door, "it's time, little red."

Placing Lizzie back down on the floor, Katy stood up from her seat and exhaled all of her nerves, shaking her hands slightly and fiddling with the finger where her engagement ring had been and where her new wedding ring was going to be, "right, if I trip over whilst walking down the aisle, just leave me there, Sam and I will do the vows lying on the floor."

"You got it." Kitty saluted her with a loud giggle as the girls filed out, shouting strings of good luck as they went.

Soon, it was only Katy and Puck left, smiling as they watched Lizzie and Stacey walk down the aisle, followed by the bridesmaids and Mike. Holding his arm out, Puck gave his sister a nod to link her arm with his, ready to walk down the aisle together, "you ready for this?" He asked her.

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