17. nationals

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"This group of people have practically shaped me into who I am today."

The new directions were finally at Nationals

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The new directions were finally at Nationals. They'd made it. But typical to the glee club's luck, chaos struck before they could even begin to get excited.
Mercedes was laid in her bed, groaning in pain as the girls surrounded her, trying to magically make her better.
"What's going on? How bad is it?" Mr Schue said, bursting into the room worriedly,
"Her temperature's one hundred and one degrees." Sue sighed, showing Mr Schue the thermometer, "and given that wheezy's complaining of an upset stomach, it's either Amazonian dengue fever or the H1N1 super virus."
Mercedes rolled her eyes, "or I have food poisoning."
"We all wanted burritos for lunch so we went to chipotle but Mercedes tried some dive called 'señora sensation." Santana exclaimed, using her fingers to put quotations over Mercedes' evil burrito.
"Will a word please." Sue muttered worried, pulling Mr Schue into the corner as the rest of the girls tried to soothe Mercedes pain.
"Why didn't I choose to take that class on how to deal with food poisoning?" Katy muttered quietly to herself, as she carefully put a cold towel on Mercedes forehead.
"Why would you?" Quinn asked, confused.
"You never know when you could need knowledge from a random course. Point proven today." Katy explained, blushing slightly.
"You're so weird Katz" Santana laughed, shaking her head amused.
"I'm prepared." Katy retorted, with a little laugh.
Mr Schue came back from his little pep talk with Coach Sue clapping his hands for their attention, "right so here's what's gonna happen, Mercedes you're on bed rest. Quinn you're stepping in."
Quinn's eyes widened in fear immediately shooting down the idea, "no, no, no, no, no, I can't dance that number, or sing it either..." she rambled nervously.
"The troubletones need you." Mr Schue insisted, persuasively.
"You can do it Quinn!" Tina encouraged.
"You're a lot better than you think you are Q." Katy smiled in agreement, trying to calm Quinn's nerves.
"You two as well, you're in the troubletones." Mr Schue said quickly.
"Mr Schue, it's my last competition. I don't wanna miss it." Mercedes complained desperately.
"Amen to that sister. That's why I'm putting you on a vitamin b-12 drip, flushing your system with Pedialyte, and I'm gonna fill that bathtub with ice and see if I can bring your ambient body temperature back to normal." Sue explained, "worked on Jacob's ladder." She added with a shrug.
"Alright. We all have our marching orders." Mr Schue smiled.
"Let's do it!" Katy finished, nodding.



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