4. the break up

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"I just really want to make everyone happy."

"Oh young love

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"Oh young love." Brittany sighed, as her and Blaine pushed their food round on their plates glumly, watching Jake and Marley start to flirt, unknowingly.
"Do you remember when you first started dating Santana and I started dating Kurt? Back before everyone was so busy and so far away." Blaine sighed, hopelessly, propping his head up on his hands.
"Everything was so much simpler." Brittany agreed with the same solemn expression as Blaine.
Overhearing their conversation from the next table, Katy and Sam grew worried.
"You think if we'd have stayed together when I went to Kentucky this would've happened to us?" He asked her, anxiously.
"I dunno maybe, I wasn't in the best place when you left, I was probably as mopey as Blaine and Britt are." Katy shrugged, "I don't want to remember a time when you weren't there though."
Sam took her hand and squeezed it, "we came back stronger than ever and yeah it was hard fighting the Kentucky girls off, but it felt worth it when I came back to you." He smiled, reassuringly.
"I thought you said the Kentucky girls weren't into Sammy Evans." Katy asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I may have lied about that, I just told them I had a girl back in Lima, they weren't cool like you." Sam admitted sheepishly, "they wouldn't have spoken Na'vi with me."
"Amateurs." Katy scoffed playfully.
"I feel for them though, just six months ago they were two of the strongest couples in McKinley, now they're falling apart." Sam sighed sympathetically.
"Are you worried that's what's gonna happen to us?" Katy asked quietly.
Sam shook his head, "no, are you?"
"No. I love your impressions too much." She giggled,
"Thank you very much." Sam replied, putting on his Elvis impression to make her laugh.
"I think we're bumming out Britt and Blaine." Katy whispered suddenly into Sam's side as he took a bite from Katy's cupcake.
"Whoops, quick impression of a non happy couple." Sam whispered back, putting her cupcake carefully back into Katy's hand regretfully so not to show off their relationship to the sad Blaine and Britt.

Katy and Sam were sat together in Breadstix with Marley, Jake, Brittany and Santana, waiting for the left behind club to start.
"Psst Katy!" Santana gestured for Katy to come over and sit beside her whilst Brittany was in the bathroom.
"Tana I've missed you so much!" Katy sighed, hugging onto Santana's side, happily,
"And I've missed you Baby Puckerman!" She smiled back.
"I presume Britt dragged you here, Sam persuaded me to come, he said that he wants me to be completely ready if there was ever an alien invasion." Katy giggled slightly rolling his eyes at her boyfriend's worry, "I don't mind though, it means I can keep an eye on Kitty."
"Yeah, I was curious, this just all seems really strange, I wanted to see what's going on." Santana explained.
"I don't trust Kitty, yet." Katy admitted in a hushed tone, "she's a bit of a bitch, even compared to you, no offence."
"None taken, I'll take your word for it. I've never met her and she already seems insane to me." Santana nodded, leaning in for a gossip.
"I mean, she's like you with the volume turned way up, like this club is literally just here to scare people, it's cruel." Katy told her, shaking her head.
"It's so weird hearing you gossip, you're not usually that type." Santana laughed lightly.
"I'm gossiping to you, it's different. After you, Puck, Rachel and Finn left, I realised how safe and protected I felt just because I knew you had my back. I'm one of the older ones now, I'm gonna try my absolute hardest to make everyone feel as safe as I did, even if that means gossiping a bit to protect people like Marley from being abused by people like Kitty." Katy explained, shrugging her shoulders strongly.
"Right." Santana said thoughtfully, glaring at Kitty as she strutted in, announcing her presence with authority as soon as she arrived.
Katy quickly got up as Brittany came back, throwing the two of them a warm smile and ran back over to Sam before Kitty could torment her.
"Okay everyone listen up, y'all are sinners and you better get right with God toot sweet because Jesus just logged into orbitz and booked himself a plane ticket back to Earth. See he's got an awesome dad makes God who's throwing him a bitching party named Armageddon where he's gonna kick off his sandals, dance a little bit and judge the crap out of everyone." Kitty said, pacing the room confidently, striking fear into a few members of the club.
"hi I have a question. What the hell are you talking about?" Santana questioned sceptically, seeing exactly how Katy described Kitty to be correct.
"Um the rapture?" Kitty replied as if it was obvious, "when the end times come, the true believers in Christ will be lifted up, body and soul into heaven, leaving everyone else to duke it out."
Tina's assistant called Dottie Kazatori put her hand up tentatively and waited for Kitty to approve her speaking, "what about those of us who were still on the fence about all this?"
Kitty made a face that made Katy believe that Dottie had just made the wrong decision about speaking as she saw a plan brew in the blonde girl's mind.
"What is there to be on the fence about, Dottie?" She asked harshly, making Dottie slump back into her seat, "I just heard that there's an elderly Japanese woman who's fallen in the bathroom and doesn't speak any English and she needs your help."
"I'll be back!" Dottie announced, quickly rushing out of the room.
"Kitty." Katy warned the ringleader as Brittany pulled Santana up in hopes of helping a Japanese lady.
Suddenly, Kitty insisted everyone to get up, leaving some clothes on their chairs to make poor Dottie believe she'd been left behind.
"Come on Katy!" Sam said, trying to pull her from her seat,
"I'm not going Sam, it's cruel and Dottie's gonna be terrified!" Katy insisted stubbornly.
"Come on, it's fake rapture, she needs to be prepared." Sam persuaded, pulling on her hand, nervously watching everyone else file out.
"Sam this rapture crap isn't real, Kitty's made it up as a cruel joke to scare people. I'm not gonna sit here and let someone be terrified, you go though, it's fine." She told him, pulling her hand out of his.
"Katy, just come already, if it gets too far we can step in, but it's gonna be okay, honestly, I'm more worried about Kitty murdering you right now." Sam tried desperately to reassure her.
"You don't need to worry, I'll just get Coach Sue to make her bottom of the pyramid." Katy tried to reassure him back, insistent on doing the right thing in this situation.
"What the hell are you two doing? Get the hell out here!" Kitty shouted, frustrated.
"Please Katy." Sam pleaded, making Katy finally give in, following him out of Breadstix, reluctantly.
Almost as soon as they'd left, Dottie ran back in, her face falling immediately into panic as she saw the deserted restaurant and she fell to her knees, in a full on panic attack.
Katy instantly scowled, pushing past the crowd to try and reassure Dottie.
"I told you this was a bad idea. Someone get her a bottle of water." Katy sighed, before crouching down and trying to calm down the panicked freshman.
"Kitty! This has gone way too far okay?" Jake scolded Kitty, shaking his head at his girlfriend, who shrugged, unbothered.
"Britt can we go home now? I don't think this club is good for you." Santana exclaimed, worriedly.
"No I'm staying, being left behind sucks." Brittany insisted, passionately.
"It's just a stupid prank." Santana protested.
"You don't get it. You left me behind and it hurt." Brittany raised her voice slightly, before pointing over to where Dottie was hyperventilating, with Katy trying to calm her breaths, "that's exactly what it feels like. With Katy there too 'cause she was right there for me as well." She said before walking off to sit back down, leaving Santana to her thoughts.

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