chapter 8

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"Sir we haven't been able to find her. I think she already eloped from the country with the maid" the head of my security staff said.

I rubbed my temples with my fore finger and middle finger in frustration "Well then get all the maids this instant"

They came running in "Can any one of you tell me where Lina lives or any of her relatives something"

They kept their heads bowed "ANYTHING!!" I yelled

They remained quiet. It took all my will power not to strangle them all one after the other. I sighed I guess I have to speak their language

"Anyone here can give me even the slightest detail of where Lina and Trisa might have gone I'd double no triple your salary for the remainder of this year. You don't have to inform me now you can always come by later when I'm alone" I said dismissing them.

Later a maid came into the study where I was working and told me she had information. I smirked and told her to come in.

"Sir Lina mentioned once that she had an aunt in England so my guess is she probably took Trisa there. I'm sorry but I don't know the exact address" she said.

"Oh don't worry I'll triple your salary like I said I would after all I asked for the slightest information. You may leave" I said dismissively.

I gave my secretary a call "schedule a flight to England for me and my men at 9pm sharp. I have important business to attend to and I might be gone for a month at most so I expect you to handle all the dealings and company work till I get back am I clear" I asked.

"Yes sir" she said muttering something else under her breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't get that, we're you asking me to fire you just now" I asked with a smug smile although she didn't see it.

"Of course not sir but you can't fire me because no one would want to work for an arrogant jerk face like you so don't make me rethink my decision of working for you. I mean I have so many things to sue you for don't you think" she said with little laugh.

"Ellen!!" I shouted "don't make me do something we both would regret.

"Oh really you're threatening me now aren't you let's add that to your very long black list. Anyway I don't have time for this "chat" I have better, much more important things to do like for example do your job as usual" she said hanging up.

If that lady doesn't watch her smart mouth I do her the honors of shutting it permanently not right now though she's still useful.

At 9pm my men, Nancy and I were on our flight to England. Nancy insisted on coming with me. I know she's unbearable.

Jake and I had been chatting all week and I realised I found myself waiting for his messages. It's Saturday now I gave him Lina's aunt's address so he's on his way to pick me.

I decided to dress casually with a black top and a beautiful mini skirt to match with my black heels and my sling bag I curled my hair and added a little make up on.

I was ready and just in time too. I heard the horn downstairs. "You look beautiful dear" Lina's aunt Lily said.

"Thank you" I said with a polite smile.

"You look manageable. Don't worry if he really likes you he wouldn't run away" Lina said teasingly.

I shot her a playful glare ''hahaha'' I said. Lina's aunt helped me by pulling her ear.

I laughed ''ouch aunt you're supposed to be on my side''.

''Apologize to Trisa''

''Sorry'' she mumbled glaring at me.

Then when her aunt let go, she ran towards the staircase ''You look like a five year old going for a tea party'' she said sticking out her tongue and running up the stairs. I gasped as her aunt shot me an apologetic glance

''Don't listen to her sweetie, you look pretty'' she said.

Lina stood on the top stairs and said ''Yeah take advice from a woman whose last date was decades ago''

Now it was her aunt's turn to gasp and I laughed, Lina soon joined in.

''I'm kidding and Trisa you look great'' she complemented. I feigned annoyance as I walked out the door. Jake came in to say hello to Lina and her aunt.

Then he took me to ''his beautiful Red RWD delight it's the latest model wow he must be pretty loaded''.

He chucked "yes I am pretty loaded" he said. Dear God I did not just say that out loud I mentally reproached myself and apologized.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said

"What for" he asked.

"Well I didn't realise I said that out loud and don't want you to think I'm some kind of a gold digger".

"No of course not why would I think that I know you're a really good person a lot of guys with rich parents asked you out in school and you rejected them all so I know for a fact that you're not a gold digger. You simply just said what you thought.

"And you look beautiful just like you always do" he said. I couldn't hold my blush so I walked into the car and pretended to look for something in my purse.

He smiled and pinched my cheek, you look cute when you blush'' he said making me blush harder. I hit him with my purse playfully.

''Hey what did I do'' he replied laughing and I joined in.

Pretending to look for something in her purse 😏😏 classic. I like where this is going so far, I hope it lasts like my big fat F in further maths. Yeah I got 34 out of forty and I checked several times to make sure it was my work. 😂😂😂Anyways like I always say VOTE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY ENJOY!!!.😘😘

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