chapter 17

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Now that stage two's complete Chris I want you to go all the way to stage four. Then I'll make my move". I said after Chris completed the task.

Trisa I'll make you suffer for taking everything away from me.


I woke up in a bed not knowing where I was with a splitting headache as I recalled the events of last night.


I walked into his office to find another man inside.

"May I help you miss" he asked.

"Oh the manager sent for me and you"

"I'm also waiting for the manager. Would you like some coffee" he asked and I politely declined the coffee.

"Come on you'll need it if you want to stay awake cause the manager called me to say he had something urgent to attend to that's why he wasn't at work today besides I already have two cups to prevent myself from falling asleep you can have this one" he said handing me a cup

I decided I might as well accept the coffee but after a few minutes I started to feel dizzy. Perhaps this man put something like a sleeping pill or a date rape drug in that coffee I was so stupid to accept the coffee from someone I've not even met before. This was probably a setup by Nancy.

I pretended not to be unaffected "I think I'll check in tomorrow. I'm feeling very tired but thanks for the coffee" I said trying to shake off the wave of dizziness but he took hold of me sharply I tried to break free but he held me very tight. So I screamed on the top of my lungs before I passed out.


I found myself half naked with only my bra but I was still wearing my skirt and underwear but I wasn't raped or anything. I had a horrible hangover, I felt like my head was literally splitting in too. Who was the guy? What did he do to me? Many questions ran through my head as I pondered on who that guy from last night was and what if he was a lone wolf and isn't really working for Nancy. If he is, does she really hate me that much to get me raped. What if the guy tried to rape me and someone got here in time. I didn't remember anything after passing out last night and the more questions I had, the more frustrated I became.

I decided to speak with the manager of the hotel to enable me to check the hotel's footage, perhaps I'll find out what happened. I looked around for my top and later found it on the ground.

I went into the elevator and went to the last floor. When I eventually reached the ground floor i asked some hotel attendants for the manager. They panicked at first but I assured them that it had nothing to do with their services.

They relaxed a bit and directed me to his office. I followed their directions and found the office, on getting there I knocked.

''Come in'' he said urgently. I came in and found him on the phone. He raised a finger at me to stop me from speaking, even though I wasn't going to. He then motioned for me to sit.

I had to wait ten minutes before he cut the call angrily.

''I'm so sorry about that, these people are a bunch of barbarians, can't get anything done right'' he lamented then added dismissively ''How may I help you''.

''Well you see sir I was almost raped in this hotel last night''

He muttered something under his breath then sighed, shoulder's slumped and asked ''You want to sue the hotel don't you''.

''No I won't if you help me by showing me the security footage''

His face brightened up suddenly then he grabbed his phone.

''Oliver get your ass in my office right now!!'' he roared.

In less than a minute a smallish, chubby looking man ran into the office.

''Show her the footage from yesterday. Try to do get this one job right or I'll chop off your head and give it to you'' he ordered, I laughed.

''Thanks'' I said following the man out of the office.

After a long while with my head ache getting worse by the second we we're able to find the footage of the man from last night carrying me into the hotel, explaining that I was his girlfriend who had too much alcohol and passed out. He was given a room but after he took me in, i didn't see anything again cause cameras aren't allowed in rooms to give the lodgers privacy. I really wished there was, now there was nowhere of knowing what happened, except of course I report to the authorities, but they can't do anything cause he didn't rape me and I can't accuse him of kidnap, cause I didn't have concrete proof.

I left the place and found out it was one of these cheap hotels, no surprise there.

I took a taxi back to the office and took my car back home to find Jake on the steps with blood shot eyes.

"What happened" I asked.

"Where were you last night" he demanded furiously.

"Look Jake I get you were worried but happened last night is a long story and right now I need to take some pain killers" I replied trying to go in.

He pulled me back harshly.


"Don't you dare raise your voice at me. I told you I'll explain but not now I'm having a very serious headache" I shot back.

"Wow!! and to think I fell for you, cared about you for the past few months and you still have no regard for me. I feel so stupid and so used, I thought you cared but you only used me and slept with another guy''.

"What are you talking about Jake" I asked irritated.

He brought out his phone and showed me a picture a me in bed with the guy from last night.

It all clicked now. Nancy was behind this, she probably thought this would hurt me more than anything she'd initially done and truth being told it did.

Now at least I know why he's so angry. I guess I do owe him an explanation.

"Jake listen I....

"Save your lies Trisa I'm done. Whatever we had is done. I can't believe you'll stoop so low after telling me you didn't want to date me because you're still married but you rather go and sell yourself to another man" he said in disgust before getting into his car and driving away.

I didn't care at this point. I went inside took some pain killers and fell asleep.

So what do you guys think, Trisa and Jake's first fight😢😥😢😢 let me know and if you liked this chapter dont forget to like, follow, comment, vote but most importantly enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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