chapter 47

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I almost stumbled but caught myself, what the hell was she doing here. Why did she have to be here of all places. I turned to go but I hadn't realized she'd already seen me. She rushed out the door probably to find out who was spying on them. I'm sure she was shocked to see me, I heard it in her voice. ''T-T-Trisa?'' she asked or more like questioned.

Perhaps she was surprised to see me in a hospital or alive. I'd started to walk away when she came closer and held my hand. The one the drip was earlier connected to. I didn't take the drip with me as I went round the hospital.

I snatched my hand away for hers, still backing her, I stayed just to hear her out considering the fact that she just lost her husband.

''What do you want aunt,  you don't even deserve that title anymore?'' I said trying not to let my tears fall, the last thing I want to to look weak in front of her again.

''H-H-How are you?'' she asked with her still shaky voice.

''Like you care'' I scoffed.

''Trisa I'm trying here, I'm really sorry'' she said and I turned round to face her not caring about her blood shot eyes I replied.

''Really for what exactly, is it for turning me to a slave when my parents died or for selling me off to a man you didn't know for money, aunt please specify cause I really want to know. You know that man almost killed me, he abused me every single chance he got, but of course you care all you care about is money, I'm sure the only reason you even bothered to apologize is cause your precious husband is dead and you're scared of being next, you're scared your sins would take you straight  to hell but guess what I don't care anymore. I ALWAYS PUT MY FAMILY FIRST, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FAMILY BUT YOU STABBED ME IN THE BACK. WHY ARE YOU HERE NOW IS IT FOR MONEY I'LL GIVE YOU HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME. LET ME LIVE MY LIFE IN PEACE please, now that I'm finally happy'' I said putting my hands together.

I felt someone holding me from behind. I turned around to find Jake looking at me sadly.

''Stay away from my wife, you've done enough I won't let you or anyone else harm her again'' he said to her. Her eyes widened in shock as he mentioned wife but I couldn't care less she doesn't deserve any explanation from me.

Jake and I walked away leaving her sobbing. A part of me felt really bad and wanted more than anything to run up to her and hug her telling her that I'd forgiven her and we could start over but another part remembered what she did to me and after Nancy I've learnt not to be too trusting or forgiving. I know she just lost me uncle, the only other person she cared about other than herself but I just couldn't bring myself to forgive her so easily. She's all alone now cause she had no children, I'd like her to know what pure helplessness and loneliness felt like, cause that's exactly how she made me feel.

Perhaps one day I will forgive her but for now no way. 

Jake took me to the room, I explained how I found her, he hugged me ''I won't let them hurt you anymore'' he promised and I leaned into his hug.

Jake's dad Nick came into the room to check on me and to give me my shots apparently the nurse in charge had forgotten to give me earlier causing the drug to loose it's effect leading to the pains I had suffered, although I still felt pains here and there like I had pointed out earlier, but I was getting better and feeling much more like myself and wanted more than anything to leave this uncomfortable environment especially after seeing my aunt.

I asked Nick when I'd be leaving and he said I'd had to stay a couple of days so they can watch me and then decide to discharge me.

''But I'm okay now, please let me go home. I give you my word I'll be on strict bed rest'' I promised. He shook his head at first but I began to plead and whine like a child giving him the puppy dog eyes. He glared at me and Jake, who raised his hands in surrender, before agreeing to discharge me tomorrow morning.

The drug had started to take effect and I lost consciousness. I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up from sleep and found everywhere still very dark Jake had gone away. I went out of the room to look for him when I saw Ethan. That's not possible he's dead, I killed him. He had a deep cut on his throat and held the bloodied knife in his hand, smiling sinisterly at me. Then he spoke ''You stabbed me, now I'm going to repay the favour''. so saying he began to run towards me, I ran out of the hospital, I kept running and didn't dare look back. I ran till I reached the house. I opened the door and slammed it shut but to my utmost dismay I saw the dead bodies of everyone Luke, Tania, Mr and Mrs presely, Lina and Jake they'd all been stabbed in the throat. I screamed my lungs out and fell to my knees wailing loudly in that moment I heard ''You're next''. This time it was my aunt's voice.

I woke up and realised it was all a nightmare. I hadn't realised I'd been crying and sweating till I felt Jake's hand on me. He looked worried and wanted to call his dad but I stopped him and held him tight then quickly broke free to examine his neck. He was fine, no bruise or scratch there, I made him call the house I was extremely paranoid. Everyone was fine though. I finally calmed down and told Jake about the dream.

He said it was only a nightmare and reassured me that all will be fine, that no one would get hurt. I nodded but what I didn't realise was that this was just the beginning.

Hola, buenas noches how are you all I finally updated thank you for waiting and being patient with me. I've resumed school and I've been soo busy I'm just glad I could write this chapter please don't forget to vote and comment. I'm not getting much comments and it's making me sad, you guys should please leave your thoughts, tell me if you liked the story or what you think about the characters or stuff like that just please don't be quiet. Commenting is like showing me how much you love the story asides voting so please drop a comment. Thanks for reading and good night.

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