Chapter 16

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I continued working at the company I was working in before. Everything was going great till Nancy decided to come back into the picture.

I got called into the manager's office today, I had earlier heard people whispering and pointing fingers at me but anytime I asked they'd shrugged it off and walk away leaving me clueless and somewhat scared. I approached the manager's office my heart beat quickened as I started to ask myself if I had any outstanding projects I had failed to complete or submit, but I didn't remember any so I summoned courage and knocked on the door.

''Come in'' he replied.

I came in and shut the door. "Sir you sent for me" I said politely as I fully entered into his office. He motioned for me to sit, but I declined and insisted on standing.

"Yes I did Mrs Jordan ten million was taken or rather stolen out of the company's account this morning" he said.

"That's horrible!!" I exclaimed

"I know but what I don't understand is how we traced the account it was sent to and it ended up being your own account. Can you please explain yourself".

"What!!" I exclaimed again shocked.

"I don't understand, I would never do that to the company sir, I know it might sound silly but I don't know how the money got there. I didn't even receive any alert that, that huge amount of money had been transferred into my account". I explained perplexed.

"I do believe you I know you're very trustworthy smart and even if you were to pull of a stunt like that you won't be stupid enough to transfer it into yours knowing fully well that we'll be able to trace the account. We're still undergoing a private investigation but for now I think it's best if you stay home till I decide on what to do next".

''Are you firing me?'' I asked on the verge of tears.

''No I'm not, you can't be seen working here until we're able to prove your innocence, just see it as a short holiday'' he explained further almost pleading. I sighed deeply. I really loved this job, they've taken everything away from me, I'm not going to let them take my job too.

"I understand Sir thank you" I said sadly.

I went back home and called Nancy.

"Took you long enough. I thought you'd call earlier to thank me for the little present I sent to your account" she said laughing.

"You're unbelievable Nancy, why am I not surprised. Of course you'll be the only one to stoop so low as to do something as despicable as that.

I'm here trying to move on with my life and working to be useful to myself.

You're at a married man's home wasting your life by thinking of various ways to ruin mine. I really thought growing up would make you a bit wise but I guess I was wrong. You're still as foolish as you were when we were kids.

Whatever you plan on doing next being it on. I don't give a damn anymore, bring it on" I said angrily and hung up, throwing the phone on the bed.


How dare she speak to me like that? I'll make sure she suffers dearly for that.

I called Christopher. "We're moving on to faze two" I said cutting the call.

Now let's see just how much pain you can take in Trisa.


When Jake heard about it he was furious and wanted to confront Nancy but I told him not to waste his time.

Honestly she's not worth breaking a sweat over. He still insisted on doing a private investigation himself, reasoning that we know the perpetrator and the cops don't, so we have an edge over the cop and investigators. His exact words were ''we can find evidence and slap it in their face''. He seemed to be more frustrated than I was.

It was sweet of him to help me with this case, it was nice to know I still had someone to lean on. I think this experience only made me like him more.

The manager made me work from home though as he said he couldn't let me come back while the investigation is still in progress, so the company's reputation doesn't get tarnished.

I got a call a week later from the manager at seven in the evening. He said he wanted to speak to me. It felt odd being called to the office at that hour but I thought finally the investigation had come to an end and my name had been cleared.

I drove to the office I didn't inform Jake, I didn't think it was necessary because I don't exactly know why the manager called and I didn't want Jake stopping me from going or being over protective when we got there. I picked up my phone many times to call but I didn't call. I felt off and something kept telling me not to go but I didn't listen as my curiosity got the best of me.

The evening was cool and everywhere dark. The streets was quite empty, just a few people walking home. The company itself seemed empty as I walked inside.

Every red light in my head starting blaring loudly like a police siren and my voice of reason was telling me to turn back quickly but I was still so curious as to know why the manager called me.

I think this experience thought me how curiosity killed the cat.

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