chapter 18

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I woke up later at noon.

I couldn't cry over losing Jake if anything I should be the one angry. I can't believe he couldn't trust me.

I know I acted rudely earlier and he did give me a chance to explain but I had a horrible headache and felt easily irritated.

I messed things up with him really bad.

I got another call from Nancy.

She probably wants to gloat about how she thinks she's successfully broken me.

I hit decline.

I called my manager to ask why he called me but as expected he said he didn't call me. I sighed deeply.

The next two weeks my name was finally cleared. The real culprit was never found but I didn't care as all that really mattered to me was the fact that I could go to work again and that I wasn't raped or hurt physically.

I didn't want to admit it earlier on but I miss Jake much more than I ever thought possible. I miss his morning calls to check on how I'm doing, I miss him stopping by at dinner time to chat and have dinner with him, I miss his smiles, his jokes but most of all I missed those warm, reassuring, heartwarming hugs he gives me.

I stopped by at his place and knocked on the door.

I went in as the door was opened and nothing in the world could prepare me for what I just saw.

I saw Nancy sitting beside Jake with her arms round his body and her head on his chest. She was practically being cuddled. I felt a really strong pang of jealously, wow he moved on fast.

He moved on very fast with none other than the sister that caused this whole catastrophe.

I knew he had never met Nancy before but of all girls in the world why did it have to be her.

He finally noticed me. "What are you doing here" he asked still angry.

"Nothing I just..... You know what never mind" I said.

"Sweetie who is she" Nancy asked pretending not to know me. I cringed when I heard her calling him sweetie.

"Amy you don't have to worry. She's only someone I used to care about" he said smiling at her.

Ouch if my heart wasn't broken before it sure is now and who the hell is he calling Amy.

"Nancy so you've decided to come after him too. Are you really that pathetic? First it was Ethan, now it's Jake. Can't you get your own man? Why do you keep going after any guy you see with me? You know this isn't the first nor the second you did it many times when we were in high school. Are you really that insecure? So insecure that you'll even become a mistress just to do hurt me. You're nothing more than a disgrace to all women and the cheapest whore I know. I feel like insulting you soo bad but you've already insulted yourself by what you've just done''.

"Amy what is she talking about" Jake asked.

"We're you deaf when I was talking I said she isn't Amy she's my sister Nancy".

"Amy is this true" he asked again.

Jesus, this guy's an idiot I can't do this. I was beyond furious at this point as I walked out of the house, slamming the door shut.


So two days after the incident with Trisa I bumped into a nice, shy girl at work. I decided to ask her out. I mean I understand the fact that I moved on too quickly but I needed desperately to forget about Trisa. Besides it's been long since I've gone out with a girl given the fact that I liked Trisa from high school till this moment.

I lost all contact with her and was glad to see her again after so long but looks like she's not the girl I used to know back in high school. This new Trisa sells her body and self-respect, I wonder what she gained by doing that and I wonder if she's always been like this and I was much to blind sighted by her beauty and intelligence that I failed to see what was underneath that cloak.

So Amy and I started going out she seemed nice but I wasn't into her. I still loved Trisa but I was only going out with Amy to forget about her but sadly it didn't work. It only made my feelings for Trisa grow as I miss her so much. I wanted to see how she was doing, listen to her laugh and ... I just miss her so damn much.

We sat to watch a movie with Amy's hands round me. I felt so bad, because I was basically using her. I was thinking of the best way to let her down easy but I felt like I was being watched turned to the side when I noticed someone was indeed watching us and it turned out to be Trisa.

I was both aggravated and delighted to see her. I decided to use Amy to make her see I'm perfectly happy without her or possibly make her jealous but to my horror I found out Amy was actually Nancy but I refused to believe it at first but then everything clicked.

From the time she came to my company asking for a job till now she's only been trying to get me. What happened to Trisa that night might also be part of her doing too so she could successfully separate Trisa and I. To think that I was feeling guilty for using her when she was the one who was using me. I didn't even listen to Trisa when she tried to explain, I thought ill of her when I should have trusted her. I need to make everything right again. First things first

I kicked Nancy out of my house and drove to Trisa's apartment.

So what do you guys think, let me know and if you liked this chapter don't forget to like, follow, comment, vote but most importantly enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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