chapter 26

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So we traveled back to England after the three days we spent in New York.

I went back to my apartment with the broken down doors.
Jake offered to fix it but I refused. I fixed it myself and did a little makeover on my own.

He's spending too much money on me, besides I got half of Ethan's properties after winning the case of the divorce. Johnson and I kept in touch and I helped him by giving out his number and qualifications to my employees or co-workers who were in need of a good lawyer. It was my way of giving back and he was very grateful.

She can't be enjoying her life, she doesn't deserve to be happy. Why does she always get to be so lucky while I'm stuck feeling useless and all alone. I'm going to put an end to her for good no more Jake, Lina or whoever she has to save her, this time she won't escape and I'm going make sure of that.

I waited till midnight before executing my plan. I couldn't do it myself in case some one saw, so I called Chris.

''I have a new job for you and you better get this one done right, listen carefully'' I said telling him the plan as soon as he picked the call.

I woke up a few minutes after midnight to the smell of smoke. I started coughing histerically. I looked around to find my apartment on fire.
I quickly ran downstairs but the door was shot tight.

I tried the windows and the back door the same thing. My coughing became stronger due to the smell of the smoke that was becoming stronger by the second.

I ran back upstairs, the building had already started to burn down causing the walls to break in.

I tried the windows upstairs but they wouldn't budge.

I looked around the room for something strong enough to break the windows.

My eyes finally caught on to my bed side, reading lamp. It was quite heavy.

I picked it up and threw it on the window. It worked, it completely shattered the glass.

I only just remembered I was upstairs. I threw some pillows and my blanket down the building before jumping. I landed on my face but luckily the pillow broke the fall of some parts of my body. I did sustain a bruise on my knee. The only thing I had on me was my phone and my robe.

I heard the sound of sirens as the fire fighting truck made its way up my drive way.
Perhaps the neighbors called 911. I could even hear the whispers and gasps of the small crowd of people that had surrounded the building, some people were helping to put out the fire while the fire fighters ran in to check if there was anyone inside. Well I lived alone, I decided to call Jake to let him know what happened.

I was about to give Jake a call when someone covered my nose and mouth from behind. I tried to fight back but the person was far to strong and so was the drug on the cloth the person used. I was drawn into a dark corner as darkness engulfed me.

I was on my way to work when I decided to stop at Trisa's as usual but her apartment was burnt down.

What happened? Why didn't she call? Where is she? Is she hurt? All manner of thoughts ran through my mind.
I tried calling five times but I got sent to voicemail every time. i ran a hand through my hair in frustration. i was partly terrified and decided to go over to the neighbor's house to find out what happened and where she might be.

I went over to the neighbors house and rang the doorbell.

An elderly lady came answer the door.
"Good morning ma'am" I greeted politely.

"Good morning, how may I help you" she replied.

"I was wondering what happened to Trisa your neighbors apartment, I'm her boyfriend and I'm worried because I have no idea on her whereabouts" I explained.

"Oh there was a fire accident, I had to call 911 she was in there perhaps she was hurt and in the hospital or she's probably spent the night in a hotel or with a friend" she reasoned.

"Alright thank you ma'am" I said then left.

I called Lina cause that's  the only close friend she had in England.
Lina said she hadn't heard a word from Trisa.

I called the emergency number to ask if they'd taken her to the hospital but they said there wasn't anyone in the house by the time they arrived but that they noticed a shattered window with some pillows and a blanket crumpled up outside the shattered window.

They reasoned she must have escaped and like her neighbour said is probably in a hotel or perhaps she even took herself to the hospital.

I called the cops to verify if Ethan had escaped so I'll know what I'm dealing with, but he hadn't. He was still in his cell.

Then where could Trisa be. I walked over to where the pillows where, they'd been partially burnt some how the fire had gotten to them.

How did that fire start anyway did someone intentionally set the house on fire, if so then why.

I called one last time. I heard the phone ring amongst the pillows.

I searched for it and picked it up.
Trisa wouldn't have dropped this mistakenly would she?

Who could have set her house on fire, any guesses and who kidnapped her could it be the same person or is Ethan back again. Find out in the next chapter, don't forget to vote and comment.

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