chapter 46

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''How are you feeling Trisa?'' Sarah my mom in law asked smiling.

''I'm fine now that my little monkey's with me'' I replied pinching Luke's cheek.

''See Jake Itold you she was going to be okay'' Tania said to Jake, I raised my brow in confusion.

''You were unconscious for two days and Mr Love sick here thought you were going to die, he cried all through and refused to sleep or eat anything'' Tania explained then added ''He was very scared, I don't think he's ever been so scared in his entire life, we all were and we're all glad to have you back''.

I smiled as she bent down to hug me. I hugged her back, my head and sides had started to hurt much more than before but I didn't want them to leave me alone so I pretended to be fine.

Lina hugged me much longer than anyone else, when she came in, she had struggled to find a good parking spot so she showed up later. We all talked for a while but then the pain worsened I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to contain the pain. When I opened my eyes I found Jake looking at me worriedly ''What is it Trisa? Are you okay?'' he asked.

''Yeah I'm fine'' I lied, he saw through me and said ''I'm going to get my dad''.

Everyone was staring at me with worried expressions on their faces, Luke crawled into the bed and nuzzled against my chest. I held him close ''I'll be fine'' I whispered before Jake came in with his dad. His dad handed me some pain relievers with a glass of water, which I took dutifully, he then urged me to get some rest as I was only feelings the after effects of the bruises I had substained and the operation I had undergone.

Jake had sent his mom, Tania and Lina home but Luke refused to leave me so I suggested he stayed behind along side Jake, I had only just noticed the heavy bags under Jake's eyes, I reached out to stroke his cheek, he caught my hand and placed it on his face, running it up and down before kissing my knuckles. The bed was quite small but he could squeeze it with me and Luke, who had already fallen asleep. I patted the side of the bed he refused at first but I pleaded through my eyes and he grudgingly walked up to the bed and spooned me, holding me gently in order not to hurt me, Luke was nuzzled against my neck at the other side and it just felt perfect to have them both beside me. I fell asleep soon afterwards.

I don't know how long I'd been asleep but when I woke up I felt some pain here and there but nothing too strong. Jake woke up and Luke was still asleep I told Jake to take him home so he can have a proper dinner or breakfast I really had no idea what time it was. He felt reluctant to leave me but he agreed after much persuation.

I also wanted Jake to eat something, he looked like he hadn't eaten in days so sending them home was like lets say saving two birds from the stone, see what I did there.

I also asked Jake to bring some novels for me to read cause I had nothing to do here and the boredom was killing me. I got up with the drip still connected to my hand and made my way to the bathroom, a strong wave of dizziness hit me and my legs felt like jelly as I fell back on the bed. I guess it was as a result of being on bed rest for three days or maybe more I really had no track of time here.

I sat down for a while before trying again and this time though the dizziness wasn't there it still took me a while to balance, I then went to the bathroom to pee and wash my face and hands. I haven't showered in days and I could only imagine how awful I smelt. That little wash helped raise my self confidence a little.

I decided to take a stroll round the hospital, I'll call it exercise as I really didn't have anything to do. I felt like a silly child as I snuck round, eavesdropping and spying on patients.

I heard people crying over their loved ones and my heart really went out to them. I didn't mean to be nosy but I peered inside some rooms through the windows and through some doors that weren't shut properly and saw patients in comas, some were unconsious and some even gone. I felt very fortunate to be alive and I have God to thank for that. My mind went back to when I saw Jake when I regained consciousness I really thank God for the gift of life.

I decided to head back to my room when one patient really caught my attention, my heart squeezed tightly in my chest as I watched the woman wailing and screaming on the top of her lungs refusing to be comforted as the nurses held her back while the doctor covered the body with the sheets. I knew that patient and the woman they were none other than.....


I took Luke back home, he had woken up and started crying for Trisa. I tried everything to stop him from crying but he just wouldn't stop till my mom came and carried him away, putting on his favourite tv show paw patrol, he sat to watch it with a cup of ice cream then he finally calmed down.

I decided to take a quick shower and have dinner before heading back to the hospital. I was famished and Tania had the nerve to take my food away from me running away, making me chase her. She was too fast and I had to whine to my mom to get her to give me my food back. My mom was so happy that I finally agreed to eat something that she made my favourite meal macaroni and meat balls, she also made sure to fill my plate. I ate my fill before driving back to the hospital with some for Trisa. She especially loves the way my mom makes meatballs and would kill me if she found out I ate it all by myself without saving some for her.

So what do you guys think, sorry for the late update I've been very busy. Anyways who do you think Trisa saw leave it in the comments below don't forget to vote and comment, thanks for reading. Enjoy the song and I'll continue to add more as the book finishes, good night.

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