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''You, you took everything, EVERY DAMN THING AWAY FROM ME! I'm going to make you suffer, I'll make you suffer Avery for everything you done and taken from me, I'll make your life a living hell, a nightmare. Consider yourself lucky if you're even able to breathe peacefully after this. You've never been to hell before but I'll take you there personally and believe me when I say there's no escape for you Avery as of now you're done, you might want to start preparing your funeral ahead of time cause you're dead''  I remembered his exact words from that day, the day I ruined his life forever.

I took it lightly but now looking back I wish I didn't and the worse thing is he might never find out the whole truth because the day he does is the day we both die or he dies.

Avery and Axle are the main characters of the story. Avery was married before but now she's divorced due to reasons you'll find out later as the story progresses.

Axle is a happily married successful billionaire with a very pretty, loving wife Mila. He seems to be living the perfect life with all his riches and his perfect wife but that all changes when an accident occurs and someone dear to him dies.

Avery a divorcee with a son longs for a peaceful life with her son Erick, but that seems impossible as evil forces would stop at nothing to ensure her immediate downfall. After a horrible accident she meets Axle whose hatred for her regarding the accident drives him to push past all obstacles to get his sorely deserved vengeance. Find out what happens when the two later join forces to take down all the evil after them with a promising and blossoming romance soon to happen or will they never make it to even joining forces. You'll just have to read the book to find out.

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