chapter 42

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"Chris'' I whispered as he smiled grabbing me we walked until we'd gotten upstairs. I was far to stunned to try and fight back.

''Why are you doing this, I trusted you, I never expected it to be you, why?'' I asked.

I hoped with all of my heart that Jake had gotten there and Luke was safe now. Chris tied me to a chair with a piece of cloth.

''Sorry sweety but I can't go against family he kept my secret so I'll keep his''

''What do you mean, is he blackmailing you''

''Not really you see, my real name's William Jordan I just go by Chris, I never told you my last name but Jake knows but doesn't know I'm related to Ethan''.

I opened my mouth in outmost horror, "y-y-you're Ethan's dad'' I stammered.

''I know he must have told you about his mom, that's right princess, that's the reason they didn't catch me I've always been part of the police department'' he said as though he were reading my mind.

I sat there petrified he strolled over to Ethan he was still unconscious, he unlocked and removed the handcuffs but left the duct tape on.

''He looks better with it on you don't you think, better find a way to get out of that chair before he regains consciousness'' he warned with a sinister smile his phone rang and I prepared myself to scream but he put duct tape around my mouth before picking the call.

''Hello Jake'' he said smiling as he looked at me.

''You've found Luke, that's great'' he said not meaning it. I started to struggle trying desperately to move around so Jake could hear on the other side of the phone, he pays attention to every single detail so he would definetly suspect something but for some reason I couldn't move. I tried to scream but it came out muffled and I doubt Jake would hear anything at the background.

''Yeah I'll be on my way'' he concluded, cut the call before removing the duct tape.

''You'll never get away with this, Jake's going to find me and when he does you'll be sorry'' I spat out.

''Hmm, let's just hope Ethan doesn't get to you first and darling I will get away with this, I did before and I will now, I'd love to stay and chat but I have to help Mr Presely find his lovely, missing wife and I also have to shut his son up for good''. My eyes widened and he smirked don't worry you'll probably be dead by then to so you won't miss him too much. Goodbye Trisa it was nice knowing you. I really wish we had time to bond but I'm afraid duty calls'' he mocked and laughed before leaving. I tried hard not to cry but failed miserably as the tears just kept falling.

I now understood Ethan must have paid and blackmailed his dad into helping him as he had no one else to help him with his dirty work.

I was so scared of what Ethan would do when he woke up.

The next day

 I was very weak, I'd been trying to break free since but Chris or whatever his name is tied me too tight. 

Worse still Ethan was starting to regain consciousness. I tried to move to the door as my legs weren't tied but he got up quickly removing the duct tape. He walked with difficulty but he still managed to walk up to me with the look of murder in his eyes. I didn't care anymore at least I was sure my baby was safe and I trusted Jake and his family would take care of him.

I stopped struggling and looked him in the eye for the first time and I wasn't one bit scared. 

''You little tramp I'll teach you a lesson you won't need to forget cause you won't live to remember'' so he started throwing punch after punch at me till I couldn't breathe anymore from the excess blood in my nose I tried breathing with my mouth but he then he threw me to the ground and started to kick and hit me with all his might. I felt one or two of my ribs snap and I screamed but the kicks just became harder.

I felt unbearable pain and squeezed my eyes shut. When the kicking stopped I opened my eyes and saw his knife not far off I couldn't reach for it cause I was tied up but I noticed the chair had broken a bit and if I couldn't struggling I could break free and thats exactly what I did, thankully Ethan was busy looking for his gun or something to use to kill me, as soon as I broke I took hold of the knife. He couldn't find his gun or knife so he came back and probably decided to beat me to death.

He crouched down and took hold of my neck and started to bash my head against the wall continuously, I felt blood start to ooze out of that spot and although I'd never killed anyone or thought of killing anyone, I felt this time was kill or be killed so I took the knife and stabbed him in his throat and watched as he fell to the ground in agony, clutching his neck, giving me one last look before dying. I'll never forget that look for as long as I lived. It was long, cold and lifeless, horrifying enough to give me nightmares for life. The scarest part was the fact that his eyes were still open. I needed and wanted to get out of this place desperately.

I couldn't move, every movement brought me severe pain. I laid down waiting to be finally rid of this unbearable pain, when the doors burst open and Jake ran over to me. ''Luke'' I whispered.

''He's fine'' he whispered back and I smiled as darkness engulfed me.

This is the last one for this night I'm almost done with the book guys, I hope this ending would be better than the last. If you liked it don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for reading.

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