chapter 5

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The next day
Nancy and Ethan had gone out as usual and I had taken a knife from the kitchen.

When one of the maids Lina came in. I closed the door and put the knife to my neck and to keep her from running away I stood by the door.

"If you don't help me escape from this hell hole I'll kill myself right now and my blood would be on your hands" I threatened as I held it closer.

"Okay, Okay I'll help you I promise just please put the knife down" she said gently. I threw it to the ground "I'm so sorry" I said as I began to cry. She came over to my side and rubbed soothing circles on my back. She picked up the knife and kept it far away from me, leading me to the bed

"It's not your fault living with a monster can make you lose your mind at times. I promise to help you I'm also tired of seeing the way you're being treated. We've been threatened not to tell anyone or we'll lose our jobs and lives'' she admitted.

''By us you mean?'' I asked.

''The entire staff, Nancy might give us things to win us over any time she comes back with Ethan, but a few of us are still on your side, which is why Ethan threatened to kill anyone who tries to report him to the authorities and we don't know if he's really going to go through with that threat and honestly no one wants to try'' she explained.

''So you see why no one not even me dared to say anything, in all honesty I'm really tired of this job it's too low for my standards. I'm a graduate and I couldn't find a better job, I had to take it because of my aunt back in England we both need the money, my parents are divorced and they stopped sending money to us. I guess they forgot about us and started over with their different lives. Not a word from any of them, no calls, texts, they don't even stop by to say hi anymore and it's hard to think that those people gave birth to me'' she said sadly before brightening up and turning the conversation back to me.

''Anyway back to you. Why do we use this period that they're not around to strike I could ask the maids in the kitchen to cause a distraction while we quickly make a run for it''.

So the plan was set in motion. She was going to do something to cause a serious argument and when the guards run in we'll escape. That's exactly what went down although I was scared and curious as to what she did but she merely just shrugged when I asked and told me we needed to get going. I ran outside as far away from the house as I possibly could but where I could still see her when she came out. I don't really know anywhere here in New York I could easily get lost or worse caught or even end up with another psycho, I wasn't taking chances as scared as I was I managed to stay out of clean sight and waited for her to show up.

When she finally came out with our things I hired a taxi to take us to the airport I bought two tickets for the fight to England where Lina aunt was. Luckily she remembered to pack my passport.

It took a while but after what seemed like forever the airplane finally landed and we boarded the plane. I finally calmed down for the first time in four years I felt free like a slave who had finally escaped from her master.

When we landed we hired another taxi that drove us to her aunt's place. It was already dusk but I could still make out the house. It was a semidetached building with ruby red painting it still looked fresh, then a gain they might have repainted it, some areas were black and gray but it was absolutely stunning. It's not that big it was still very nice and homely. She rang the doorbell and her aunt came to open the door. Her aunt looked like she was in her forties, she was petite, pretty and had a warm smile on her face which seemed to grow wider as she saw Lina.

Soon she was engulfed in a big hug, it was nice seeing them hug after such a long time. It made me remember my parents and a tear fell down my cheek. I wished I had an aunt like this not that old, greedy hag. The last thing I want is her seeing me and informing Ethan. So I'll make sure to stay low.
It's almost like that's the only thing I know how to do these days, to cry. I brushed it away feeling silly.

Lina introduced me to her aunt as her boss and briefly summarized what I went through in Ethan's hands. She looked at me pitifully and I wanted the ground to just open up and swallow me.

I stretched out my hand awkwardly for a formal hand shake but instead she hugged me and comforted me. It felt nice to be held that way, the last hug I had was by my parents four years ago before their death.

Afterwards I was asked to come in and to stay for as long as I liked. I offered to stay in a hotel as I didn't want to be a bother but Lina and her aunt would hear nothing of it.

I thought the outside was beautiful till I saw the inside. I must say the architect did a great job. After Lina showed me around she took me to my room. It was small but compatible and I fell at home.

I folded my clothes neatly into the wardrobe while Lina sat on the bed talking about her ex and what a jerk he was.

Later on Lina's aunt call us down for dinner. We had chicken soup and it was delightful.

I went to sleep that night feeling an emotion I'd never thought I'd be able to feel again, happiness.

Finally she escaped😍😍 Thank God for the kindhearted maid Lina, but will that happiness last or will it be short lived, stay tuned to find out. Like I'll always type don't forget to vote, comment, like, share, follow but most importantly enjoy.

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