chapter 22

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I called Chris to ask if he'd been able to put an end to my beloved sister, I felt quite triumphant, because I felt over confident that everything would come out just as planned but the idiot's telling me otherwise now.

"What do you mean by you weren't able to kill her" I asked Chris over the phone furiously.

"I'm sorry but Ethan came in right when I was going to shoot......"

"Ethan?" I cut in angrily.

"Yes miss, he came into her house right when I was about to strike" he replied.

Why does that brainless idiot always ruin things for me? I sighed trying to calm down. I need to think, I must kill Trisa if not then all my efforts would go to waste and I've gone too far, taken too much of my time and used a whole lot of resources, there's just no way I'm letting all that planning and time go to waste, she needs to die so I can finally be happy. I had gotten Jake out of the way by cutting his moms car brakes so she'll probably have an accident or die. I didn't care as long as he was distracted and unable to save Trisa but look how that turned out Ethan just had to come and ruin everything.

"Did he kill Trisa" I knew the answer but I still wanted to be a hundred percent sure.

"No he didn't, the cops arrived in time to arrest him" he replied.

I pinched the bridge of my nose to stop myself from screaming.

"What did he do then" I asked through clenched teeth.

''I mean he must had done something, like put her in a hospital or something" I added.

"No she only sustained a leg injury" he said. Seriously but then again it means she won't be able to run away or escape because of her broken leg.

"Okay, I'll figure something out" I said finally before cutting the call. Sighing in relief that there was still hope for me, I got back to the drawing board and tore away all the old plans and started a new one, which after I'm done I'm sure would be an absolute success, I'll strike when no one is able to save her and when there's no deranged husband here to ruin my plans once again and if he does I'll put an end to that arrogant, irritating bastard and that would be a huge advantage to me in so many ways.


After about an hour my dad finally came out of the hospital room. My sister Tania was already fast asleep in my arms.

"How's mom" I asked.

He sighed he had deep worry lines on his forehead deeper than the ones I had when Trisa regained consciousness, why did this have to happen, I'm most certain that it couldn't be a mere coincidence that both Trisa and my mom were in bad conditions.

"She's stable but still unconscious we were able to save her" he managed to say.

"Is she going to make it" I asked trying not to break down.

"We don't know son, we have to watch her for a few days. You know she sustained a serious head injury, but I know she'll be fine son" he said sending me a small smile.

I nodded "you should go home and rest you must be exhausted" he reasoned.

"No I'm going to wait till mom wakes up" I said adamantly.

"Listen to me Jake at least take Tania back home she needs the rest she's been worried sick and the last thing I want is for any of you to fall ill because of your mom, you know she wouldn't want that" he said.

"I'm going to take Tania home and come back" I replied tapping Tania gently.

She yawned, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.

"What happened? Is mom okay?" she asked frightened again.

I nodded "she stable dad said to take you home and so you can rest" I said softly.

"I don't want to go back home. I want to stay till I'm hundred percent sure mom's fine" she argued.

"Tania please go home" my dad pleaded.

"But dad I....."

"Tania leave it's an order not a request" my dad's tone changed from pleading to strict and commanding.

She got up stomping out of the hospital building. Dad sighed

"Take care of her and don't come back today because I'm not letting anyone into her room" he warned as he turned to leave.

I went out and drove Tania back home. It was now almost midnight.

I called Trisa and decided to tell her what really happened.

"I'm so sorry Jake, she'll be fine don't worry too much and don't worry about me I'll be fine too. Your sister needs you now and you need to take care of her. I love you" she said sweetly.

"I love you too" I replied smiling although I knew she couldn't see me. I'm just so happy and quite awe struck that she loves me and cares about me just as much as I care about her.

I finally fell asleep on my bed tired from all the crazy events of the day but not failing to dream about my sweetheart Trisa.

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