chapter 21

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I regained consciousness and everywhere was dark outside, I checked the time on my phone on the night stand and it was quite late 9:00pm in the night. I had a horrible headache. I turned to my left as I'd been lying on my right hand side and when I checked the phone it was on the dresser at the right hand side too, so I turned to my left and was surprised to find Jake sited beside me, he was fast asleep sitting in a chair with his head on his lap.

He must have been exhausted. I made to sit up but instantly felt the pain under my leg. I only just noticed that is was thoroughly stitched with a small amount of bandage wrapped round it.

That little movement woke Jake up. I felt guilty to have worried him so much. He had worry lines across his forehead.

I started to beat myself up for waking him up.

He moved closer to me "Are you alright" he asked examining my leg.

"Yes I am, I'm sorry for getting you worried" I said guiltily.

"There's no need to apologize. I'm just glad you called me and that you're safe" he said smiling.

His smile instantly vanished as though he just remembered something.

"Listen Trisa I'm really sorry for everything"

"I'm sorry too Jake I really messed up. The truth is I really don't know how I ended up in a hotel room alone and only in my underwear, the only thing I can remember was going to see the manager because I thought he called me. I was so stupid, I almost got raped, I saw the footage, at first I didn't want to believe it but I escaped another traumatizing experience and I'm really sorry for the way I reacted too," I replied.

''It's okay it wasn't your fault, I'm sorry for jumping into conclusions, I should have stayed back to listen to your side, is just that I can't imagine you with any other man'' He replied with a small smile kissing my forehead.

"I know it's too soon but I don't care I'm just going to go right ahead and say it.

"I Love you Trisa I've started to care a lot for you this last few months. I know it's all to soon but I....."

I silenced him with a kiss. He was taken aback at first but responded almost immediately with his arms round my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss, I broke the kiss smiling against his lips and gasping for air. It was a sweet, passionate kiss. The best I've had.

He kissed me again and after a while I broke the kiss. "I Love you too Jake, I'm sorry I only realised that during those two weeks we were apart. I missed you so very much''.

He was about to respond before a phone call ruined the moment.

I saw panic rising up his face as it instantly turned deadly pale.

He cut the call, standing up abruptly caused the chair he was sitting on to fall backwards.

"What's wrong" I asked worriedly.

His features softened as he shifted his gaze to me. "It's nothing much just some things I need to handle at work. I'm so sorry I'll be back, I would have stayed but it's quite urgent" he said kissing my forehead before rushing out.

I'm almost hundred percent sure the problem wasn't at work but he'd run off before I could confront him.


I answered the call seeing it was from my sister.

"Jake you need to come to the hospital right now, the alarm went off and mom's heart beat just stopped. Dad's inside with some other doctors and nurses they're trying to revive her and I'm really scared.

I was sent out from the hospital room so I have no idea what's going on"

She said I could hear the panic rising in her voice.

I almost forgot about my mom, she's fighting for her life while I'm here confessing my love for Trisa, not that I regret it but it's not something I should have done especially given the present circumstances.

I made up an excuse not daring to make eye contact with her. I didn't want to scare her, she might start blaming herself and I didn't want that cause it had nothing to do with her. I ran out, took my car and drove quickly to the hospital.

I ran into the hospital to find my sister sitting in a car with red puffy eyes. "How's mom, has any of the doctors came out" I asked and she shook her head.

"How Trisa, did Ethan hurt her" she managed to whisper with her voice hoarse.

"She's fine, luckily she used her survival instincts and was able to stun Ethan till I arrived, with the cops soon afterwards" I explained and she nodded.

"Jake I'm really scared, what if mom doesn't ........I knew what she was going to say but her sobbing cut her off before I could.

I took her in my arms

"Everything's going to be alright. Moms going to make it, she's strong and she needs us now, we can't lose hope" I whispered soothingly reassuring her, more like reassuring myself.

So what do you guys think, Yeah I hope Jake's mom makes it too? Let me know if you liked this chapter don't forget to like, follow, comment, vote but most importantly enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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