chapter 41

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Did she leave me? Did she get frustrated and go to look for Luke herself? or did she go to get something from the store and was taken?. All these questions haunted me and gave me sleepless nights. My parents and Tania decided to move in with me just until everything was back to normal and Chris has been like another father figure in my life. I'd done everything I could, looked everywhere possilble but still no sign of Trisa.

It was bad enough that Luke was taken, now Trisa too. I felt my world crashing and crumbling before my eyes and I could do nothing to stop the latter.

It's been four days and I'd been getting more anxious and aggitated by the moment. Chris had suggested having a doctor close by so I don't get a heart attack. He and the rest of my family had been very supportive during this crisis but in a way I saw it as pity and felt even worse. Call me selfish but the last thing i needed now was sympathy when I had no idea where my wife and son are. I was supposed to protect them but I ended up screwing things up with Trisa, I just hope even if she decides to leave me, I just hoped she was safe, she and Luke.

I couldn't take it anymore. I locked myself in my room from everyone, There's been no word, no progress, absolutely no news, nothing from the cops and I felt like a failure who could do nothing on his own to save his family, most men would have gone round the country searching for their loved ones but the question was where exactly do I start and what if I'm able to find out where they were and I'm also taken, killed or worse made to watch them do horrible things to Trisa or Luke. I'd thought about this over and over again and felt the safest and best solution I had now was to leave it to the cops but it seems now that they're even more useless than I was. I refused to come downstairs, I couldn't face anyone, I knew they wanted to help but it was no use, I had neither Trisa nor Luke. I'd started to fear the worse when my phone rang.

I didn't think twice I picked it ''Hello Jake it's me Trisa I have Luke hidden in the woods find a way to track this location without informing the cops, one of them's working for Ethan don't tell anyone I called, there's absolutely no one to trust just come here now'' she said in a haste and hung up before I could say anything. I wanted to call back just to hear her voice again but I knew better, she could have gotten the kidnapper's phone and some lucky seconds alone, it took me a while to realise I wasn't dreaming and that Trisa and Luke were really in trouble.

I was able to trace the location, using an app on my phone that helps in tracking other devices. Then I drove there telling everyone that the house was choked up and that I needed a breath of fresh air. I drove fast wasting no time. I got there and found out that it was actually a payphone, so that's what she used ran into the woods. I took my flashlight and checked around and found Luke under a bush covered with dirt, sleeping or unconscious I didn't know all I knew was that he was breathing. That alone was enough to keep me going.

I picked him up and carried him into the car and locked it, then I started to look for Trisa, I had hoped she'd be hiding in a different place, so if she was found Luke would still be safe. I looked around but couldn't find her then I guessed she knew they'd catch up to them so she hid Luke and sacrificed herself. The bravest woman I know and I hoped to God that she was okay.

I took Luke to the hospital to be examined, the paediatrician said he had a few light bruises nothing too bad, or too serious and that it'd heal with time. she said he just needed to rest for a few days as he was also tired but there were no signs of trauma, he was lucky, very lucky. 

I took him back home and explained everything to my parents, who were shocked out of their minds to see me with Luke. I took him upstairs, gave him a bath and put him to sleep. He started to speak in his sleep, ''the big bad man has mommy, he's going to hurt her if I don't be a good boy''.

''Luke, who has her? where is she, who's the big bad man?'' I asked shaking him gently but he just stopped and continued sleeping. I sighed,I knew the man behind was Ethan but I felt he was referring to the man working for Ethan. I'll ask when he's up, he must know something, anything. I called the cops or more likely I called Chris to tell him. He was also shocked and seemed a bit ticked off but said it was one of his men bugging him. He said he'll come over tomorrow to interrogate him on what he knew. Something felt off about that converstion but I shrugged it off as me being paranoid after Trisa told me the was someone we knew.

Chris did come the next day but decided it was best to to leave Luke to rest and start looking for Trisa inside the woods since that's where I found Trisa. He called his team and we all set out to the woods, some were digging up the grounds to see if she was killed and buried there, while others drove round looking but we couldn't find her. What we found were many other bodies of people who were killed and buried there and that did not help me at all. I almost had a panic attack.

I was exhausted, frustrated and very angry wondering who the son of a bitch working for Ethan this was and where Trisa was. I honestly can't wait to get my hands on Ethan.

I feel Jake, I'd be tired to I hope they find her in time. don't forget to vote,comment, share, suggest and enjoy.

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