chapter 25

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I can't believe it, the whole time this was the surprise, I could never have guessed.

The surprise is my dad's company. He not only bought it from Ethan but he also renovated and redecorated it, making it far better than it was before. If my dad was still alive he would have been very proud.

I flung myself into his arms not being able to control the joyful tears that were flowing down my face. Words could never be able to explain how happy I was.

"Thank you, thank you so much" I whispered.

He buried his face in the crook of my neck as he held me tight.
"I love you so very much" I whispered.

"I love you more than you can ever imagine" he whispered back.

I saw Lina come out of the building.
I pulled out of Jake's arms and ran up to her hugging her.

"I've missed you" I said

"Missed you more" she replied hugging me.

"Wait, what are you doing here? Are you in this too?" I asked.

"Actually it was all her idea" Jake cut in before she could say anything.

I looked at her confused "I thought you said you were busy working as a waitress or something" I asked frowning.

"Yes I am, this is my work. I'm sorry I lied I found work as an interior designer, I handled the designs of the company but I couldn't tell you because I was sworn into secrecy by yours truly" she said guiltily before pointing accusingly at Jake.

''Lying about my job was a way of throwing you off your suspicions if you ever became suspicious. I'm sorry I know how much you hate lies'' she explained apologizing.

I couldn't care less about the lie as I hugged them both "I don't care about that now can't believe you guys did this for me" I said still scared that this was somehow a dream and that I was going to wake up any moment from now. I never wanted to if it was because it's just so wonderful, one of the best dreams I could ever have.

I even pinched myself just to be sure thankfully it wasn't a dream.

We walked inside and it was just as beautiful as the outside. I must admit they have very good taste, especially Lina, though I'm not surprised seeing the way she also redecorated her house.

"This must have caused you a lot of money" I said to Jake as realisation dawned on me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lina roll her eyes playfully.

"Any amount of money would be worth it just to put a smile on your beautiful face" he said lovingly, before pulling me by the waist as shared a passionate kiss to which I responded draping my arms lazily around his neck.

"You guys get a room" Lina said before leaving the office we were in.

I broke the kiss, smiling against his lips.
"What did I do to deserve you" I asked sweetly.

He merely just smiled "I'm the lucky one, I'm lucky you came into my life or my parents would have bought me a hundred cats, so I don't end up being lonely" he replied teasingly.

I gave out a gentle laugh. ''I thought only women could have the hundred cats'' I replied to which he merely just shrugged and pecked my cheek before leading me out of the office.

Lina and Jake showed me around the building. Jake said if I wasn't happy with anything, I could change it.

I smacked his chest playfully. How could he possibly say that I was more than happy with the way everything was.

The fact that they went through all this for me, shows how truly blessed I am to have them in my life.

The three of us went out for dinner afterwards discussing on how to get the company back on track.

The three days we spent in New York. I used it to employ workers, re employ most of
the previous ones that were fired by Ethan and basically make sure the company was running smoothly. My dad would have been so proud and I can imagine him smiling down at me from wherever he was.

During the evenings when I wasn't busy, Jake took me out to different beautiful places in New York that I hadn't known existed because I had only visited New York on the occasions one, when my dad needed to attend to something urgent and took me, my mom and Nancy (sometimes) with us, he couldn't start up a company in England so he decided to try New York for reasons best known to him and two before I married Ethan and became a prisoner in the confinements of his house and was restricted to going out only when he was invited for a party together with his wife who happened to be me unfortunately.
I remember only seeing times square when Ethan and I passed occasionally when he was going to see one of his friends.

Jake also helped me with the company the best way he could.

I finally got the divorce I really wanted thanks to Johnson's amazing skills, he practically blew Ethan's lawyer away and after the evidence of assaults from some eye witnesses that is Ethan's staff, Lina, Jake, the doctor that took care of me when I almost committed suicide and some detectives that Judge finally granted me the divorce to my delight and to Ethan's fury who almost broke out of the strong hold of the cops to get at me but luckily they tasered him while Jake held me and took me out of the court room.

Needless to say I felt free after stepping out of the court room and Jake and I became a couple officially.

I'm so happy things are taking a turn for good in my life.

So what do you guys think,Trisa is finally free from Ethan Thank God or is she? You'll just have to stick around to find out. Let me know if you liked this chapter dont forget to like, follow, comment, vote but most importantly enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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