Chapter 49

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''What! that's not possible, don't tell me you're even considering that?'' I asked, angrily pulling myself away from him and standing up to face him.

''Trisa, you're becoming very paranoid, I feel either a psychologist or a holiday is what you need now''

''Don't tell me that, Luke was almost killed, he was kidnapped for God's sake and you want me to leave him again. Well that's not happening. I'm going to talk to your father and if you even think of bringing up this topic again, I'll leave and I'll take Luke with me''. I said leaving, he pulled me back.

''Don't you dare speak to me like that, are you seriously threatening to leave you know I only wants what's best for both you and Luke, Luke wasn't really affected by the kidnap, as far as he knows someone took him away from his family for a while, but you were emotionally disturbed by that experience and you need to get that into your head and stop behaving as if you were okay when we both know you're not''.

''I'm not speaking to you about this again so let me go, I'm not going anywhere without my Luke and no one can convince me otherwise. I'm not making the same mistake twice''.

''Fine then since you like being difficult, I'll give you two options a trip or a psychologist. You have a day if you don't make a choice I'll make one for you. Luke doesn't need an overprotective, paranoid or broken mother, he needs a physically, mentally and emotionally fit mom, more so the people after you and our family have been eliminated. My parents and sister are very capable of looking after him, except you don't trust anyone but yourself to look after Luke and remember he's not only your son, he's mine too so I can equally make decisions concerning him.'' he replied equally angry. He'd never spoken to me like that before, I felt tears of frustration falling down my face knowing he was right but still refusing to accept the truth, as I went inside not daring to look back at him and he didn't bother stopping me. I passed the dining table and went up the stairs. Tania called out to me.

''Trisa aren't you going to finish your Lunch''

''No I'm quite full and tired now so I'm heading upstairs to rest for a while'' I replied still not looking back.

''Okay'' she replied. I ran up the rest of the stairs, went into my room and locked the door. What's happening to me, I wanted to pull my hair out in frustration as I let go of all the unshed tears I'd held in for a really long time.


I feel so bad right now but she's just too stubborn, I needed to stand my ground. I didn't chase after her cause I wanted to show her how serious I was and give her time to think about it.

I sighed and sat down, after a while I decided to go upstairs to check on her. The door was locked, I knocked ''Trisa we need to talk, please open the door''.

No response, she can't just lock herself in the room because she's angry, she's being very difficult as usual.

I felt myself getting angry so I left the house. I went for a drive, I drove round then ai remembered the time we went out for ice cream after Tara left.

Then I remembered Tara, she was Trisa's previous psychologist. I could get her to speak to Trisa, I know Trisa will be very happy to see her again and she'll be more than happy to see her again.

The last time we saw her was at our wedding. Luckily I got her number during those weeks she was helping Trisa recover.

I gave her a call.

''Hey Tara, how are you?'' I asked as soon as she picked the call.

''Hey Jake I'm good, how's Trisa''

''Not so good, she's the reason I called'' I said getting straight to the point. I briefed her on Nancy, Ethan, Chris, on basically everything that happened.

''My dad and I suggested a holiday but..''

''She won't listen, you and your dad are right, the trip would help her a whole lot but there's something else she needs to do. I'm in England coincidentally and I wanted to stop by tomorrow just to say hi, it was supposed to be a surprise but I'll be more than happy to speak to her tomorrow''

''Thank you so much Tara, see you tomorrow bye''

''See you, bye'' she replied hanging up.

I drove back home. Kyle had left, Lina had left earlier as she had work to do and it was piling up, she stayed for a few days because of Trisa's health but now that Trisa's better she decided to leave.

Luke was asleep and both my parents were in their room. Tania must have left with Kyle. I don't know if I like him honestly my sister has protected her heart for a really long time, now she's entrusting this pretty faced guy with it and I hope for his sake he doesn't break it, because I won't deal lightly with him if he did.

I went upstairs, Trisa had opened the door and was fast asleep on the bed. I couldn't help but sit there and admire her. Has it really been three years since we married, because she still looks as beautiful as she was in that store when we bumped into each other. I can't believe she's now mine and that we have a child together who she protected and is still protecting with her whole life. She's absolutely perfect, every time I'm with her I feel mesmerized by her beauty, grace and intelligence.

I leaned over her and pecked her lips, I saw her smile in her sleep and my heart swam with love.

''Trisa I could never dream of hurting you, I only wants what's best for you and Luke please understand that. I love much more than you can ever imagine and I don't ever want you hurt. You've been taking care of other people all your life, it's your turn to be taken care of and I'll spend my life doing just that'' I whispered softly putting my arms round her as I too fell asleep.

Awww that was soo cute, hope you guys liked it. This was supposed to be the second to the last chapter but I don't want to rush the book like before so I'll write maybe three or two more. Thanks for reading.

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