chapter 43

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When Luke woke up the next day. I didn't want to ask him too much questions because he only just woke up and I didn't want to frighten him more than he'd already been, but I was very worried about Trisa. I decided to ask him after breakfast.

We went downstairs my parents and sister were already up, watching the news while having breakfast. I poured some cereal for Luke, he was about to take a scoop when Chris showed up. Luke was so scared that he jumped out of his seat and ran behind me.

''What is it Luke'' I asked him crouching down to his level.

''That bad man has mommy'' he replied pointing at Chris and hugging me as he started to wail. I carried him up and apologized to Chris.

There's no way he must have been confused but Luke kept insisting, then I remembered Trisa said one of Ethan's men was working with the cops but before I could react he pulled out a gun.

''Why are you doing this, for money? Is he blackmailing you? Why would you betray Trisa and I?'' I asked as it didn't make sense as to why he'd risk losing his badge for some psycho.

''I have nothing against you and your family, I'm simply just repaying my son Ethan. My real name's William Jordan'' My eyes widened in utter shock.

''Yeah Ethan's my son, I killed his mom and he's blackmailing me into helping him. I refuse to call it blackmail though, I'd much prefer repaying'' he explained.

''Too bad I'll have to kill you all to protect my little secret, but then I'll have to blame it all on Ethan, that way his little evidence would be useless. Genius it's killing two birds with one stone'' he remarked and started to laugh in a sinister way. I finally get why Ethan's crazy.

I felt like a loser now, I couldn't do anything to save my family, like I couldn't do anything to save Trisa. I looked at Luke wailing and my heart sank. I put him down not being able to look into his terrified eyes any longer and Chris immediately suspected fowl play and shot at me. He missed his original target which was my chest as the bullet hit my arm instead or at least that's what I thought till I saw the gun aimed at Luke I pushed him down as the bullet hit the wall, I then started to feel the pain in my hand and fell to the ground clutching my hand tightly as I felt unbearable pain there.

My mom and sister screamed and in that moment someone struck William from behind. He felt face first and the person who hit him turned out to be Lina.

''I'm so sorry I only just got the news about the kidnap yesterday, I was on my way in when I heard a gunshot so I got this piece of metal from the back of the house and walked in after I called the cops, they'll be here in a few'' she briefly summarized.

Tania and our parents ran up to me. My dad called for backup and after a really long time the cops arrived with an ambulance and I was taken into the hospital.

A day later I woke up in a hospital room to find my hand in a cast with my mom and sister by the side of the bed. My arm hurt a lot and it felt heavy to move, perhaps because of the cast but it hurt really bad.

The detective came in later and said they had William in custody. He refused to give out Trisa's location. I asked when I would be discharged so I could see or hear exactly what he wanted. They called in my dad and after thorogh examination he said by tomorrow evening at most I'd be discharged. When I asked why I had to stay another day, he explained that he wanted to watch the arm so if complications arise, he could find out in time and take care of them.

It seemed reasonable enough so I couldn't argue. I waited till dusk tomorrow and I was finally discharged.

I asked my driver to drive my mom and sister home while I took a taxi to the station. Lina was home sitting Luke. She'd come later that day in the hospital to peep in and see how I was. I honestly couldn't thank her enough for saving my life.

Then at the hospital we told her everything that's been going on since the day Luke was kidnapped and how Trisa was able to save him but was still in Ethan's custody.

She was very distraught about everything and not being here, Trisa with Ethan again and her way of making up was sitting Luke while everyone was at the hospital. I would much rather have Luke here with me, not because I didn't trust Lina but so William and Ethan don't try anything. Thankfully I installed a brand new alarm's and cameras outside the house.

On getting to the station, William was brought in for questioning while I watched from the outside. He was wearing the orange uniform for Criminals and a sadistic smirk on his face, his features had hardened and I couldn't believe I'd once looked up to this man as a father figure.

After the routine questions the investigators asked what he wanted in exchange for Trisa's location. He said in addition to a plea deal that some charges be dropped as he was being charged for second degree man slaughter, assaults, kidnapping and attempted murder.

I begged the investigator's to comply so they dropped the charges on assault and attempted murder. He then led us to the old, broken down house that Trisa was being held hostage. At that point I didn't care about the pain in my arm or anything else. I barely waited for the police car to stop before dashing in ignoring the cops as they tried to stop me all the while praying I wasn't too late to save my Trisa.

I ran up the rickety stairs and found Trisa in the last room I went into. She was covered in blood, her clothes were badly torn and she was leaning against the wall barely breathing. I ran up to her and called out her name, ''Luke'' she whispered.

''He's fine'' I replied then she passed out with a smile on her face.

Without thinking, ignoring the pain in my arm I lifted her, almost tripping as I hit a body. I looked down and saw Ethan's body, she killed him, he had a knife to his throat with a pool of blood on the floor beside his neck, his t- shirt which had once been cream coloured was now blood red and his eyes were wide open. I knew my baby wouldn't give up without a fight. I hurried down stairs a team had already assembled and was heading towards the stairs armed to the teeth but I told them it wasn't necessary as Ethan was already dead and didn't prove to be a potential threat any more.

Sorry for the late update, being very busy. Hope you liked the chapter don't forget to vote and comment. Love you all readers I mean it and thank you all sooooooooooo much!!!!! for the 13k+ reads. I'm eternally grateful. Stay safe and good night.

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