chapter 14

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This chapter contains a gory scene if you're not okay with it. You can skip it I'll summarize this chapter in the next one. Thank you.


"How dare you stop me from seeing my wife" I asked furiously.

"I'm sorry sir but she doesn't want to see you" the petite nurse replied meekly.

"I'm her husband I demand to see her" I replied still angry.

"Sir you can't see her I'm sorry" she said again before leaving.

I found a doctor's coat and a nose mask and put them on. I'll teach that bitch a lesson she'll never forget. I walked into her room luckily she was asleep with no one there. I locked the door quickly and made my way towards her.


Jake had left to check with the doctor if the cops were on their way since Ethan's in the hospital now.

I decided to take a short nap when I heard footsteps. I opened my eyes to find Ethan in a doctor's coat and surgical nose mask. I tried to scream but he instantly covered my mouth.

"So you thought by trying to commit suicide, you'll escape me? You'll never escape me you're my wife and the sooner you get that, the better it'll be for you but now I'll have to punish you for trying to commit suicide" he said taking hold of my wrist.

I tried to stop him with my other arm but he was too strong. I knew I wouldn't be able to run away but at least I can find a way to shout for help.

I kneaded him in his private part and as he let go of my mouth couching his area in pain. I screamed "help!!!!" as loud as I could before he stopped me.

He got out a small wrap of bandage from the doctor's coat and wrapped it around my mouth while using his other hand to hold my legs down.

He then unwrapped the bandaged area around my wrist and dug his sharp nails into it.

The pain I felt was excruciating. I tried pushing him off but his nails only bit dipper into the cut I felt hot tears prickling down my cheeks as blood sipped out of the cut.
He merely just watched me with a grin plastered on his face. Then he used the surgical knife to cut deeper into the cut,  all the while with that psychotic grin on his face as he watched me in pure agony.

''Let's see what your new boyfriend thinks of you now'' he said after he finished.

Then I heard banging on the door and Jake yelling my name I also heard the cops shouting "FBI open the door before we break it down!!"

The grin on Ethan's face was replaced with a scowl "you called the cops" he asked.

I shook my head

"I'm going to make sure I kill you before going to jail" he said venomously as he put his hands on my neck in a bid to strangle me then hit me across the head with his fist, I passed out.


The doctor said the cops were on their way. I looked around the hospital trying to find the son of a bitch so I can at least beat him senseless before the cops showed up, but I couldn't find him then I heard Trisa scream

I reasoned he must have left. He's lucky I didn't get to him first. I went back to the room but the door was locked as if on cue the cops showed up. I yelled her name over and over again silently praying that she was okay. The cops broke down the door after trying to get whoever's inside to open the door. I bet anything it's Ethan.

As the cops broke the door down Ethan brought a surgical knife close to an unconscious Trisa's neck. "Put the guns down" he ordered the cops holding the knife closer to her neck. The cops obeyed as they dropped the guns they were holding. My eyes caught on the sheets that was smeared with blood.

"What did you do" I demanded.

"Who the hell are you" he asked.
"And what ever I do to MY wife is none of your business" he added putting emphasis on my.

"You're a sick bastard" I spat out.

He laughed mockingly and said " I've been called worse, now shut your trap or I'll end this bitch right here. I was furious but there was nothing any of us could do or he'll kill Trisa.

We waited there doing nothing but standing as Ethan eyes were searching around the room for a means of escape and he unknowingly withdrew his hand from Trisa's neck. The cops took advantage of the distraction and shut his hand and quickly pounded on either side of him.

I ran up to Trisa ringing the alarm loudly as the doctors ran into the room to attend to her as she was bleeding profusely, while Ethan was being taken into police custody. I ran after the cops and stopped them before they got to the car. There's no way I'm leaving without hitting the sick prick, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine as hard as I could. He gave out an agonizing scream as he fell to the floor clutching his area. The cops grinned before pulling him off the ground and forcing him into the police car.

The doctor said she's stable though she had hand marks on her neck and lost a huge amount of blood from the various cuts, but thankfully no broken bones. The sheets on the bed were replaced as her body was moved into a stretcher while the blood stained sheets were taken away.

She was put back on the bed as soon as the nurses put sheets on the bed. I took a seat beside her and stroked her hair.

''I'm sorry I wasn't here to save you, but you can't leave me please'' I whisper pleaded.

So what do you guys think, let me know and if you liked this chapter dont forget to like, follow, comment, vote but most importantly enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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