chapter 45

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The doctors spent a long time trying to revive her till at last she came through. I almost had a heart attack, I thought she'd given up fighting, but I'm sure more than ever that she'll be okay.

I hadn't slept for two whole days, my body was weak but I wasn't going to sleep a wink till she'd woken up. My dad tried talking me into going home or even sleeping here but I refused, he even tried giving me sleeping pills, but I was adamant and refused any form of medication. He told me she was getting better. I believed that but i just wanted to see my angels eyes again before I even think of sleeping.

My mom also tried persuading me but I was much too strong willed to listen to anyone. I told Tania to take my mom back home after the first day while I stayed behind.

I made sure the wires were well attached, if she was breathing properly and constantly chatted or did a video call to check on Luke.

I was starting to fall asleep so I got up to wash my face in the bathroom for the thousandth time when a sudden movement stopped me.


I opened my eyes and suddenly wished I didn't my eyes were almost bllinded by the very bright light in the room. I removed the oxygen mask on my face. I tried to sit up to properly evaluate my surrounding, I stopped mid way as pain shot through my body like a wild fire. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut taking in the pain.

''Trisa'' Jake whispered ever so softly, so lovingly, for a moment as I turned to look him in his eyes nothing else mattered, I didn't feel any pain anymore. I can't say how much I missed those eyes, I longed to kiss those lips. to taste them, to feel him and hold him in my arms, to erase the pain he must have felt when I wasn't there with him.

I was so scared I thought I was going to die, I fought knowing if I didn't he'd be stolen away from me by another woman perhaps more deserving. I felt silent tears fall down my face as I whispered ''Jake'' .

He was beside me in seconds as he took me in his arms and kissed me ever so tenderly. I kissed him back like my life depended on that kiss. I broke the kiss only to hug him tight , he hugged me but not so tight as though he were afraid he'd hurt me ''Hold me tight I'm not that badly hurt'' I reprimanded as he held me very tight with his one good arm and kissed the side of my head.

''I was scared, at first I thought I'd lost you forever'' he said finally releasing me.

''Hmmm, you're not getting rid of me that easily'' I teased.

''What happened to your arm?'' I asked gesturing to his arm in the cast.

''It's a long story'' he answered.

''I'd like to hear it but first were's my baby boy?'' 

''He's with Lina''

''Please get him for me'' I pleaded, I knew he shouldn't see me like this but I couldn't care any less. He nodded as he dialed Lina's number. While we waited for them to show up I briefed him what went doen between Ethan and I.

''He was hitting my head continuously on the wall, when I spotted the knife I decided to end the bastard once and for all. After freeing myself I stabbed him in the throat'' I concluded.

''That explains why I saw him with the knife in his throat, when I found out where you were''.

''Yeah I remember seeing you come in, I smiled cause I knew you would find me but how did you find me? I asked. He began his own experience.

''I found out about Chris, well it was Luke who told me that he had you captive he was in the room when Luke said that and he tried to kill me, my mom, dad and Tania but Lina showed up in time but that was after he shot at my arm, thus explaining my broken arm'' he concluded.

''I felt liked a failure, cause I had no idea where you where or how you were and it was killing me''. I reached out to touch his cheek. 

''I'm fine now and it's all thanks to you'' I said caressing his cheek.

''Trisa I'm sorry I didn't tell you about what took place on the 16th of March'' he apollogized. I had almost forgot about it. Truth being told it didn't matter anymore but I still wanted to know exactly what happened.

''What exactly happened that day'' I asked curiously.

''I went to a bar close to my office, I usually went on almost every Thursday to have a drink sometimes I went alone, other times I went with friends, that day was one of the days I decided to go alone.

I usually had Bailey's Irish cream, cause as you know it wasn't really strong and it had this smooth, velvety taste that I really liked. Anyways when i showed up the bartender asked if I wanted the usuals, I nodded and he poured some out for me while making small talk with me. I didn't know that was his way of distracting me. So I took the drink and gulped it down that velvety taste I really liked had gone and was replaced with a strong, sharp taste. I wanted to complain but the drink had started to take effect.

I decided not to cause a scene as I made to leave the bar but a lady stopped me. I don't really remember what happened but I remembered me pushing her off every single time she tried to get close to me, or tried to kiss me. I know for a fact that I didn't sleep with her but I woke up the early the next morning beside her. I'm so sorry Trisa''

''Next time please tell me, I'd much rather hear it from you than from outsiders and it's not advisable to go to the same place on a particular day, you could shuffle days, that way people don't monitor your movements. You got lucky, they could have killed you'' I warned.

''Yeah I know, ever since that day I haven't stepped foot in that bar again''

''It's all in the past Jake so I'm not mad anymore but next time, I really hope there isn't a next time but if this ever happens again let me know, you know I trust you with my very life'' 

''It'll never happen again, I promise''  I nodded and smiled.

Then Luke showed up with Lina, Mrs Presley and Tania

 ''Mommy'' Luke said running up to me. I carried him and held him tight.

''I missed you soo much Lukey''

So what do you think, yay!! Trisa's not dead, I'm soo happy too. Almost done with the book then I'll go back to editing. Thank you old and new readers. I'm happy to welcome new readers every day. I found this song today, just my luck I'm finding beautiful inspirational songs so I decided not to keep them to myself. Enjoy and please don't forget to vote and comment, I really need comments. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful night and sweet dreams.

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