chapter 27

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I regained consciousness and found myself in a dark closed shed I was tied up in a corner of the shed but the ropes were lose so I was able to break free. I ran to the door and push it open.

Outside the small shed was a small forest. I ran into the forest but I was completely lost. I heard Nancy's voice

"Trisa were are you? I want to finish you off once and for all"

I ran deeper till I reached a dead end a cliff. I took in a huge amount of breath as I saw her make her way to me, gun in hand, smirking as she shot at my hand.

"That was a trick shot, the next one won't be" she said maliciously.

"Why are you doing this? You're supposed to be my sister" I said clutching my injured arm.

"Well you're going to die anyway so I might as well tell you.

I'm not your sister, I was adopted. My real parents didn't want me. They didn't plan on having me so they  hated me. My dad left my mom and she already sick of me, gave me up for adoption.

I was only two at that time. At five years of age, your parents adopted me. They showed me so much love, they adopted me because the doctor had said that they couldn't have their own kids.

I was finally happy till you came along. They forgot about me. I guess nothing beats having your own daughter.

I went through depression but no one cared. I started to lose my mind, no one asked no one noticed they were all too preocupied with their real daughter. You know I was the one who killed them just like I'm going to kill you, I made them beg as I shot them one after the other straight in the heart, I didn't care anymore why would I they didn't care about me at least not after you came along, they could have left me to rot and die but they took me in prtending to care and showing me ''love'' well now I know that word doesn't exist in my life. You know what beats me how you've been so lucky all your life and when tragedy finally befalls you, you try to end it all by committing suicide, that was pretty stupid, I've been through worse, my own mother didn't want me and why she had me she tortured me, oh yes she give me cuts if I disobeyed her or fling me against a wall when I wailed to loud. She always smoked always drank and never cared. I came back for answers as to why she'd do that to me, you know what she said ''I didn't want you, couldn't kill you so I dumped you, if you have a problem go find another mother because I was done with you a long time ago'' I was lucky she was drunk so she couldn't cry out for help as I stabbed her repeatedly, each stab for everytime I suffered because of her, if she didn't want me then why bring me into the world to suffer? Why not kill me in her womb before I was born? That's right she was afraid she'd die too and her fears came true after living a worthless life" she concluded with a sinister smile.

"You killed my parents and your mother you really are a monster," I whispered.

''Really after everything she did to me, I'm the monster, you wouldn't understand everything has been so perfect for poor little Trisa, you even have your prince charming Jake, so you wouldn't know what I went through, I'll never be the same again''.

''Mom and dad loved you, they still took care of you when I was born, whenever you refused to eat mom would cry, whenever you refuse to go for a vacation they'll try persuading you but you were much to jealous and selfish to see all that you only wanted all the attention''.

''THEY DIDN'T TRY HARD ENOUGH!! you'll never know what I went through and you never will, what you went through in the hands of Ethan was nothing compared to what I faced my entire life, sometimes I wish I was never born. Enough talk time to end this once and for all'' she said as she started to walk towards me but missed her step, slipping off the cliff.

I ran up to her quickly taking hold of her hand "hang on" I cried out.

What the hell am I doing helping the person that wanted to kill me, that killed my parents, made me marry Ethan and then came back afterwards to join him in ruining my life.
I know I could let go now but I can't we're still sisters because we grew up together and mom and dad would be disappointed if I let her go.

I've been taught never to repay evil with evil.

I held her with my one good arm.

"Why are you helping me" she asked sobbing.

"I don't really know but I'm not like you. I can't just leave you here without doing anything to save you. Although you deserve it for everything you've done to me and my family. I don't want to live with that guilt for the rest of my life" I replied.

"I know it's probably not the best time or it's too late but I'm sorry for everything" she said meaning it.

"Sorry isn't going to bring mom and dad back, sorry isn't going to erase all the pain you've caused me" I responded coldly.

"I know I deserve to die. I've really hurt you. I was so hurt I had no one" she said guiltily.

Her eyes caught my bleeding arm "let me go you're losing too much blood. You need medical attention" she said.

"I'm not letting go" I argued.

She smiled, a small but sincere smile that I'd never seen on her face.
"I hope someday you'll forgive me" she said letting go.

"No!!!!" I screamed as she fell. I was too scared to look down.

I called the cops usually a person can't be declared missing until after twenty four hours but I don't know what state Trisa's in and I can't take that chance.

I hired a team of investigators as a search had begun.
I checked every hotel here in Manchester but she wasn't in any one.

We then begun searching hospitals but she wasn't there either.
Some investigators suggested we checked the woods as if she's kidnapped there's no other hiding spot for the kidnappers to take her too.

I readily agreed as they got huge German shepherds to sniff out her scent.

After three hours of searching the dogs started barking and running deeper into the woods. Then I heard her voice scream out "No".

I ran towards the sound of her voice.

What!! she was adopted, I did not see that coming😱😱😱, kidding I did cause I'm the author. God it feels so good to type that. No wonder she was so mean to Trisa she's jealous. Jealousy is a very dangerous triat to have especially being jealous of a friend or sibling or family member it could lead you to do things you never even thought or imagined you could do. So if you're jealous try to talk to a close friend, teacher, counsellor or God in prayer. They'll give you advice on how to handle the situation. don't forget to leave me a nice comment and vote. Thanks for reading. 

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