chapter 30

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Three years later


''Luke looks so much like you it's quite unnerving'' I exclaimed to Jake as he hugged me from behind while I was doing the dishes.

''Hmmm, he's the mini version of me'' Jake replied. He seemed to be delighted that our two year old son Luke looks so much like him.

''Aww don't be jealous, if you want we can make a mini Trisa'' he said kissing my neck, I closed my eyes enjoying the moment. 

I turned around kissing him with my hands around his neck, he lifted me up by my waist and put me on the counter as he deepened the kiss, I gasped and shivered as he put his cold hands inside my top exploring my body with his hands.

''Momma!!, momma!!!!'' Luke cried out running into the kitchen. I quickly pushed Jake away.

"What's wrong Lukey" I asked using my pet name for him as he stretched out his hands and went on his tippy toes trying to reach where I was on the kitchen counter. I got down and carried him. His arms lased around my neck holding me tight.

''What's wrong'' I asked again.

"The big scawey monstew wans to get me'' he replied burying his face in my neck.

I bet anything Tania's behind all this and as though on cue she ran into the kitchen with her hair shattered with leaves inside, her clothes were torn and she had white powder all over her face.

I glared at her, she merely just rolled her eyes ''Come on Trisa he's a man, I'm only preparing him for the future like the responsible Godmother I am'' she said defensively.

''He's a child and we were in the middle of something before you too interrupted'' Jake replied.

"Don't tell me you too where making out on the counter again after I just washed it'' She asked more like pleaded.

''Yes we did and it's our house so.....'' Jake was saying before I pinched him.

"Ouch, what was that for?" he asked rubbing his arm.

''You guys are disgusting, we make food there, you know what I can't right now. Thank Goodness I'm only here for two more days, come on Luke lets go out, clearly this is no place or house for a child'' She said trying to take Luke out of my hands, He held unto me tighter.

''Fine, I promise not to scare you again and if you come down you can help me change so we can go out to have fun'' she said and he let her carry him.

''We'll be going to the park, as soon as I get out of this ridiculous disguise'' she said leaving the kitchen.

"Now where were we?" Jake asked wriggling his brows. I pushed him away 

"You're unbelievable" I said walking out of the kitchen and into the garden.

"Hey what did I do" he asked running after me. I feigned annoyance.

''Tania's right you know we should be more careful now that we have Luke'' I said.

"Okay" he said scooping me into his arms.

"You know, I went to see Nancy yesterday, she's doing better the nurse in charge of her said she moved her fingers. I was so happy'' 

"hmm" he replied absent minded.

''Can you at least pretend to be happy for me'' I said looking into his eyes.

"I can't I'm sorry, I know you forgave her for everything she did to you but I haven't and I don't think I will especially when she went after my mom, my mom almost died, it's not something I can easily forgive'' he said.

"I understand" I replied cupping his cheeks.

"But everything happens for a reason, perhaps if she hadn't run away that night, I might not have met Ethan and if I hadn't met Ethan or if Ethan had been a good husband, I wouldn't have escaped then I wouldn't have met you. Things happen for a reason and the things she did only brought us closer and made me love you even more, it was when I realized all this that I forgave her. Moreover it's easier to just let go, keeping things in doesn't hurt the other person. You're only hurting yourself, besides she seems like she's changing and is getting rewarded with another chance to start over with her life'' I said.

He sighed "I'll think about it but this is one of the reasons I love you, your intelligence matches your beauty and thats saying something. I guess I'll give it a try. he said kissing me softly on the lips.

''I love you too'' I said as we broke the kiss.

Our moment of bliss was soon interrupted as Jake received a call that made him turn deadly pale.

"What's wrong?'' I asked panickly.

''Lets go inside first'' he said calmly, leading the way. I obeyed and he made me sit before talking.

"Tania's in the hospital''

"Oh my God, what happend?'' I asked getting up abruptly.

"She was hit from behind, someone kidnapped Luke'' he concluded.

Poor Lukey was kidnapped can imagine what Trisa and Jake are going through now. if you liked this chapter dont forget to like, follow, comment, vote but most importantly enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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