chapter 48

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I was finally discharged from the hospital. Jake took me home and after the warm welcome from everyone, I jumped into the shower and stayed in for at least an hour. I scrubbed my body paying attention to every new scratch, cut or bruise. I had several along my ribs, on my wrists and on my arms. I knew they'd heal but I didn't like having scars on my body. It reminded me of the horrible past I was trying desperately to forget.

Jake got me a new cream Mederma advanced scar gel, he said he did a little research and found it. It was very popular and highly recommended worldwide. The cream was also effective as my previous scars were almost invisible or hard to see except on closer examination.

He told me he loved my body just the way it was but I didn't and since he didn't want me feeling bad over my body he decided to help. He's really sweet and although we fight from time to time, sometimes he gets angry but sometimes I do, okay most times I do and he has his flaws and all but honestly he's absolutely perfect for me and I couldn't have asked for a better husband.

I finally came out of the bathroom to find Jake already showered and asleep on the bed, he must have been really exhausted. At least that explains why he didn't come to check on me. Luke came into the room a few moments after I'd finished dressing up and I carried him and took him into his room.

''Lukey, how are you'' I asked squeezing him against my chest.

''I'm fine'' he replied hugging me back.

''You know mommy really missed you, did you miss mommy too?''

He nodded. I kissed him on his head. I'm sorry for everything I made you go through, I should have been a better mom and I promise you that no one would ever hurt you again, your dad and I would always be there to protect you okay''

He nodded again and put on the T.V on the remote. Butterbeans cafe lit up the screen, We snuggled in bed under the covers. He seemed soo engrossed in it that he hardly noticed when Tania and Lina came into the room.

''How are you feeling'' Tania asked.

''A bit under the weather but nothing too much. I'm just delighted to be back home'' I said and they hugged me from either side.

''So are we'' Lina replied.

''So what when down when I wasn't home?'' I asked.

''Well Tania finally found a man, she won't die single'' Lina joked.

''Thank God'' I muttered.

''I wanted to tell her thank you, so his name is Kyle and he's and absolute angel, he's charming, very cute and has a very good sense of humor like me plus his mom's sister works in Jake's company alongside me.''

''Hmm, so how did you too meet'' I asked and Lina laughed.

''It was hilarious but I'll let her do the talking''.

''So I was having a bad day and someone dared to steal my parking spot in the office. I turned the car around and searched around for and available spot. When I eventually found, I drove the car and was about to park, when one idiot hit me form behind''.

''The idiot being Kyle right'' I verified smiling and she face palmed and nodded.

''Dear God a lot of words were said, that I do not want to recall and then the creep started checking me out. I was about to tell him off, probably slap him or something when I realised he was actually very cute. I apologized, he did so too and I walked away, he tried asking for my name and number then but I refused.

Then a few nights after that incident, I got a call from an unknown number. I copied the number down and checked True caller and found out the person's name turned out to be Kyle Roberts.

I didn't know he was the idiot I bumped into at the car park, so I had his number copied just in case he was a stalker. I answered when he called the second time and he introduced himself as the guy who hit my car, he said he got my number from the phone book in the office and my name from one of my friends. He sounded like a stalker but in a sick way I thought it was cute. We talked and laughed that night and we decided to meet up at a diner to get to know each other better. Then that's how we started dating'' she concluded.

''Cool, I'd like to meet him'' I said.

''He'll be coming tomorrow, to meet my parents but there's a problem''

''What might that be'' I inquired.

''Your over protective husband who so happens to be my brother'' she pointed out.

''Your right but don't worry I'll handle him''.

She nodded then we talked about other things. Lina didn't have a boyfriend yet though, because she doesn't want her heart broken again though she has this really cool guy who really likes her and I'm sure she does too, but she's just too stubborn.

After talking for a while about different things that went down when I wasn't home, they left the room, while I continued watching T.V with Luke. I hadn't realised when I dosed off until I woke up after another nightmare to find myself in Jake's and I's room.

Jake had brought me breakfast and my prescribed pills. I honestly had no appetite but I was forced to eat because of the drug. It was clearly written in bold not to be taken on an empty stomach so I had forced myself to eat just little of the toast with fried eggs before taking my pills.

I told Jake about the dream I had, it was the same as last but this time the only dead body I saw was my precious Luke. He reassured me again that it was only a nightmare when resulted from the experience I'd gone through, though he sounded doubtful.

Needless to say I became very paranoid and wanted Luke around me twenty four seven. I was much too afraid to lose him though Jake thought I was being ridiculous and even suggested we see a psychologist. I refused and felt angry that he'll suggest that but a part of me knew I needed some form of counsel or help, or maybe something else.

The next day we finally met the infamous Kyle Roberts he was cute and quite the charmer but I could see he really like Tania and that was enough for me not Jake though who took up the over protective big brother role as he'd shoot a glare at Kyle whenever he looked in our direction. I pinch Jake from time to time and tell himt o at least give him a chance but Jake was relentless.

I finally gave up and excused myself from the Lunch we were having knowing fully well that Jake would be behind me.

I went out to the garden and sat on the swing.

''What's wrong'' he dared to ask from behind.

''Why can't you give the guy a chance, you're Tania's brother not her dad you know and even your dad seems to be getting along with him just fine but you're making him feel uncomfortable''.

''I know, you're right but what if he's like Lina's former boyfriend and just wants money. or to get into bed with her and what if getting along with us is what he wanted just so he can make her believe he really cares and leaves her broken'' he reasoned.

''Hmm and what if he is a good guy who just happens to really like your sister and is getting along with her family just to show how much he really likes her. You'll never know till you give him a chance and if he does end up breaking Tania's heart, you have my permission to kill him and the experience would only make her stronger, careful and more reasoable like it did to Lina''

He nodded hugging me and kissing the side of my head from behind ''Alright I will''.

''I talked to my dad and he said you don't need a psychologist, you just need a holiday to help you forget about all this''

''Is he sure?'' I asked and he nodded.

''But there's a problem, he said we need to leave without Luke''

I don't know if that's going to be possible but what do you guys think let me know in the comments, Don't forget to vote and thanks for reading.

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