chapter 33

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I was stunned for a few seconds but I regained myself and said "That still doesn't prove anything''

''Trisa she was there when Luke was taken, are you really going to take sides with her after everything she did, how can you be so naive after everything she did there isn't even a reasonable doubt'' Jake said angrily.


''Take a moment to listen to the absolute nonsense that's coming out of your mouth. First it's our son and your so called sister is a selfish, inconsiderate, evil human being and you can do anything you want but we're going to investigate and find your sister, even if she doesn't have him she must know something and she damn right has a lot of explaining to do'' he shot back.

''Shut the hell up!!!'' Tania screamed and we both stood there short of breath and glaring at each other.

The investigator scratched the back of head feeling very awkward.

''This isn't the time to be fighting or arguing you're being very immature here, your son is missing for Christ sake. Trisa you know how you're sister was, you know very well that she's capable of something this nasty I understand you're protecting her because she's your sister but you have to focus on your priority now and that's getting your son back, please stop being unreasonably stubborn'' Tania reasoned frustrated.

I shot her a death glare, I knew she was right but I guess I don't want to accept the fact that she might be responsible.

''I'm sorry'' I mumbled short of words as I left the hospital room embarassed.

I went out of the hospital building and said a silent prayer to God to please bring my son back or at least keep him safe. I don't think I've honestly been this scared in my life not even when I was with Ethan.

Jake joined me a few minutes later ''I'm sorry Trisa I shouldn't have spoken to you like that, I just want our son back''

''Me too'' I whispered trying not to cry but failing miserably as I walked into his embrace. He held me tight as I sobbed silently.

After a while we went back into the hospital. the doctors had discharged Tania. Thank God cause the atmosphere there was killing me.

We drove home and I resorted to try calling Nancy's phone I knew she wouldn't pick up but I still wanted to try. I got sent to her voice mail. I left her a quick message to call me when she was free as I needed to speak to her. Afterwards I threw the phone on the table.

Jake tried to persuade me into eating something but I refused. How could I when I didn't know how or where my baby was or if he had eaten.

That night I didn't sleep I kept waiting for a phone call from the kidnapper although I felt it wasn't Nancy, I knew it had to be someone that Jake and I knew but I couldn't point fingers yet till I gather all my facts.

I stayed in the sitting room sipping coffee, deep in thought as I waited for a phone call. After a while my phone did ring and I picked it immediately without waiting to see who it was. To my outmost disappointment it was one of the investigators, not the one who showed up at the hospital today it was another detective who had coincidentally been one of the detectives in charge of finding me when Nancy abducted me. He had given me his number to call if anything happened and in the course of time become one of mine and Jake's friends.

''Hello detective Chris''

''Hello Trisa how are you holding up?'' he said with concern evident in his voice.

''Badly'' I replied truthfully.

''I'm sorry to hear that, I have news though it's not much but it might lead us somewhere....''

''What is it?''

''We've found your sister Nancy''.

Uhh lala, so what do you guys think, leave it in the comment section and don't forget to vote, like, share, follow but most importantly enjoy!!!.

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