chapter 12

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We took the flight back to New York. Ethan hired a car to take us home.

The moment is been dreading finally came.

"You thought you could escape us right?" He asked and gave out a mocking laugh.

He got the whip and tore off my clothes whipping me till my voice turned horribly hoarse from screaming and begging.

Nancy laughed "maybe this will teach you not to try that stupid stunt you pulled ever again".she said walking towards Ethan and kissing him hungrily.

Ethan pushed her away softly. "I'm coming babe let me take care of a few things okay" he said.

"I'll be waiting" she said, seductively kissing the side of his mouth.

I could barely stand and when I did I fell back down. Ethan came over to me grabbing my arm harshly making me walk or rather stagger up the stairs and then he threw me into my room and locked the door.

I cried myself to sleep.

I was locked in there for days without food or water. I wasn't hungry I had no appetite. I only had appetite for my freedom.

The night of the third day, Ethan finally opened the door I turned my back to him.

He strode over to the side of the bed "you know Nancy hasn't been able to satisfy me so I came to my lovely wife. You know no one can replace you" he said mockingly and laughed.

"You know I don't give a damn about you but I had to find you to avoid public humiliation and to make you suffer". He said.

"Now let's get to the reason I came here" he said and he made to undo my robe. I pushed him and tied my robe back.

I got a stinging hot slap in return "Don't you dare, don't you ever try that again. I'm your superior, your master, your husband, your owner. I bought you for a huge amount

''You are my wife, my servant and you will do my every bidding". He said pressing my cheeks together. ''Listen to me, I am the god you see here the god you're to serve wnd worship, don't you dare hide my body away from me, because I own you now from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet''. He kissed me harshly, I tore my lips away, he slapped me again and continued to kiss me deliberately biting down on my lower lip to torture me. I tasted blood as my lip had started to bleed severely. He smiled against my lips.

Then he forcefully tore the robe off me and started kissing me down my neck. I bit my lips to stop myself from sobbing but I couldn't hold back the tears that flowed freely down my face. Moreover I was only causing myself more pain by biting down on an alre bleeding lip.

When he was done, he merely just laughed at me and said mockingly ''Aren't you going to defend yourself, stand up to me'' he laughed.

''Listen clearly the sooner you get it through your head that I'm stronger, superior to you and that I own you the better it'll be for you, cause if you keep standing up to me, I'll continue to make your life a living hell till you start behaving like the obedient wife you're supposed to be'' on that note he left my room locking me inside once again. I crumpled the sheets and threw them on the floor as I hit my head on the headboard as I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning I woke up.

I went to take a shower and then I remembered what went down last night between Ethan and I. I scrubbed myself so hard I felt my skin would fall off and I broke down in tears again back against the wall, sliding down and holding my knees up to my chest. I screamed and cried till I nearly lost my voice.

I hate the fact that I'm so weak. I couldn't stand up for myself.

I never once considered suicide before but that chipped piece of glass looked so tempting. I just wanted to end everything.

Voice 1

''End everything already. You've been through hell ever since your parents died. It's like everything just fell apart, no one calls to check in, no one gives a damn anymore''.

Voice 2

''No don't do that. You can't possibly think of committing suicide. You know very well that a lot of people are going through worse phases in live right now''.

Voice 1

''Yes but just look at yourself. You're pathetic. Ethan and Nancy would continue to hurt you and you're too weak to do anything to stop them. I mean you've tried once and look where that got you''.

Voice 2

''Don't listen to her Trisa, you're a strong woman you've been able to stand and endure pain. It's a phase in life that'll only make you stronger''.

Voice 1

''Why endure so much pain when Ethan has already doubled the security. So there's no hope for you anymore. No freedom and Jake might not be able to find you so he'll just end up with the next pretty lady that catches his eye''.

Voice 2

''You know if you commit suicide, you'd only end up in hell bringing more pain to yourself''.

Voice 1

''No you won't, God understands what you're going through. I know he won't judge you if you end it all now. Imagine having kids for that bastard, perhaps you have a daughter, he'll abuse her right under your nose and you won't be able to do anything about it. She'll grow up abused and filled with hatred, why don't you save yourself and your future children from that kind of life by ending it all now. It's a life not worth living''.

The voices kept ringing in my head. I held my head tight trying to get rid of them, but at the end the first voice won.

It was like I was in a trance like when sleeping beauty pricked her finger on the spinning wheel. I picked up the glass and made a deep cut in my wrist. It hurt so bad but I took in the pain.

I never thought dying would be such a slow and painful process, but after a long while darkness engulfed me.


I decided to finally open the door. She wasn't in her room. I checked the bathroom just to make sure she hasn't escaped again.

I found her in the bath tub in only her underwear, in a pool of blood. The water had turn blood red.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath. I put her in one clean clothes and carried her down to the car. I put her in the back seat and drove quickly to the hospital.

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