chapter 35

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I stood perplexed ''What did you say?'' I asked still unable to comprehend what she just said.

''Ask him what happened on March 16th'' she replied repeating exacly what she had said.

''Jake tell her or I will, you can't keep paying me hush money'' she pressed on but Jake kept quiet. I looked at him but he looked down indicating she was right. My heart was beating fast.

''Fine then I guess I have to tell her myself'' she said addressing Jake.

''Trisa, your beloved 'faithful' husband here was found in the arms of a stripper in a hotel room on the faithful day. Ha did you see what I did there'' she joked before continuing.

''You must wonder how I found out, easy I live the facility sometimes and that day I went to a club and was suprised to see your husband here making out with another woman, I mean her hands were in his pants and he was loving it'' I even got it on video in case you don't believe me.

''Jake that's not true right?'' I asked desperately as tears welled up in my eyes.

''No, it isn't I got drugged'' he replied.

''Really that's funny cause you didn't tell me that, you didn't tell me anything. You kept this from me and if you were really drugged you would have told me instead you cheated on me, paid Nancy and kept quiet like nothing happened, didn't you feel guilty for one second?''

"No he didn't he perhaps wanted something spicy outside you were probably very boring in bed, Ethan can testify to that, isn't that why he ran to me when I came back'' Nancy replied. The investigators took her away before I did something we'll all live to regret or she causes more harm.

''Trisa please listen to me'' Jake pleaded ready to explain but I wasn't ready to listen to him. I felt betrayed, he kept this away from me for so long. How did I never getsuspicious or questioned him, perhaps I trusted him too much. I trusted him with my life but now I see that I was just too naive. I tried to stop the tears from falling, he can't see me like this, it'll mean he won, he succeeded in breaking not only my heart but my trust I turned to Chris.

 ''Chris do you have any more news?'' I asked and when he shook his head I went outside. Jake kept calling after me but I refused. Chris ran out "Trisa listen don't do anything, stay with him at least till Luke returns'' he advised, I nodded. 

I hired a taxi to take me home when I got back home I moved my things to the guest room and locked the door behind me Jake kept knocking but I refused to listen to him. I cried into my pillow until finally sleep consumed me. I don't know how long I'd been asleep, cause i don't even know when I fell asleep but a phone call woke me up from sleep the next day it was detective Chris again but this time he told me that Nancy's dead.

Oh my it just keeps getting better and better, at least no reader's angry with me for killing Nancy, Some people never change, but who killed her well you'll just have to keep reading to find out. Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and most importantly enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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