chapter 36

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The investigator's didn't have anything against me as neither Jake nor Trisa remembered to press charges against me for kidnapping and attempted murder, not that I'm complaining or anything.

I pratically waltzed out of the station and decided to head to the bar to celebrate. I'm such a wonder actress, I had Trisa fooled, I wonder who kidnapped her son though I don't care. I've never liked her and I never will, she deserves everything that's happening to her now and I must say I am a genius, I slipped GHB into Jake's drink ( Gamma hydroxybutyric acid) it's a depressant nicknamed easy lay or georgia home boy, it's used to treat sleep disorder narcolepsy. I bought it from a pharmacy, told the pharmacist that my brother had a terrible dislocation and couldn't sleep because of the pain.

I contacted the barterner and paid her to slip it in his drink, I sent her a photo of what he looked like, I knew he came to that bar once a week, every Thursday, luckily the drug had neither taste nor smell so Jake won't suspect, when that was taken care of I hired a stripper to seduce him, it worked perfectly while I recorded.

I dropped by his office the next day and used the video to blackmail him into giving me money every month and not telling anyone that I had no brain damage.

He couldn't tell Trisa the truth because the barterner was in it too and if he says he was drugged and she goes there to confirm the barterner would say otherwise.

Don't you just love me, now she'll be thinking of a divorce and poor Jake won't be able to do anything to convince her that he was really drugged cause as far as I'm concerned he didn't only keep that secret from her but he also kept the fact that I was perfectly okay to himself too, so either way the marriage won't last and maybe I can make him forgive me and take him instead, he does have a lot of money.

I was close to the bar when someone covered my mouth from behind and pulled me into a dark, lonely and unusually quiet corner. I tried to fight him off but I couldn't. I knew it was a man cause I could perceive a strong masculine scent.

He tied a dirty rag over my mouth and when I turned to look at him, I was stunned.

It's not possible, my eyes widened in absolute shock, he smirked ''Surprised to see me?'' he asked. I started to sob and place my hands together in a pleading gesture. He merely just laughed. ''The great Nancy, who ruins marriages and destroys lives is cowering in fear, this is just wow''

''Too bad no one will ever know who killed you, cause you're going to die after everything you did to me you deserve to die and rot in hell where you belong but first...'' so saying he ripped off my clothing and a few guys emerged from the shadows and joined him.

So who do you think killed Nancy live it in the comment section.Thanks for reading and dont forget to click that little star at the end or beginning of the book. Thanks for reading.

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