chapter 52

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The day of the burial

After about a week of planning, the day finally came. My aunt had been fully accepted by everyone including Jake surprisingly but I was happy he decided to also let go of his negative emotions towards her for me. Aunt had become very fond of Luke and would spend all day playing with him, feeding him, bathing him. I think she sees him more like the son she never had than her grandnephew. Jake suggested she stay with us, so she won't be alone, she might get depressed living in that house and being surrounded by her late husband's pictures remembering all the times they shared together.

His parents would soon be living to go back home along with Tania as they only came because Luke and I had been kidnapped and because I was being hospitalised.

I'd miss them a lot but It'll mean I'll finally get my alone time with Jake. After showering I got dressed in a simple black knee length gown, with a black fascinator and matching black heels with very dark shades. Jake also dressed all black, he wore a black shirt with a black suit and black pants, his hair was neatly combed to the side and he looked snazzing.

I stood in front of the mirror adjusting my gown and struggling with the zip that refused to close fully, when Jake came from behind with his hands wrapped possessively round my waist, kissing the crook of my neck, ''It's been way too long Trisa'' he whispered seductively in my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

''I know, I'll make it up to you when we get back'' I whispered back. I saw him smirk before zipping me up.

''You ready?'' he asked examining my facial expression.

''No, not really but I need to do this'' I replied to which he nodded as we walked out of the room together. Everyone was downstairs and all dressed in beautiful black attires.

Sarah had on a long black gown with a black hat and black heels, Tania wore a black top with a black mini skirt and shades. She looked more like she was going for a model shoot, Nick wore a black shirt and black pants and finally aunt wore a black knee length gown with black tights, she also had on shades. Lina came over to take Luke out as I didn't want to bring him along.

We all set out Jake, aunt and I in his car, while Sarah and Nick followed behind in Nick's car. We drove in silence. I was deep in thought wondering what I was going to do, what was going to happen and basically just preparing my mind for the whole experience. Tara said she'll meet us there.

We finally reached the burial ground, a few family friends and some of my dad's relatives whom I saw once in a blue moon showed up today. I felt very anxious and closed my eyes. I felt someone squeeze my hands and I opened my eyes to find Jake staring at me.

''Are ou okay with this, you don't have to do this''

''I do and I will but thanks''

''I'll be beside you every step of the way'' he assured, I nodded.

We got down from the car and as the burial commenced, my mind drifted away to the very day I married Ethan, I remembered every single detail till when I killed him, I thought about all he's done to me then my mind when to Nancy I remembered how she always treated me. How much she hated me, almost killed me and how she died. I realised it really wasn't worth keeping all those thoughts caged in. I shed a few tears ''I'm letting go of everything and forgiving you both, even you uncle'' I whispered then almost fell, Jake caught me in time. Luckily no one noticed as we stayed at the far back.

''What's wrong?'' he asked worriedly.

''Nothing, I guess I'm finally free'' I said.

''You're sure nothing's wrong?'' he asked again.

''Yes Jake I'm certain, I've forgiven them, I've let go Jake I feel very good, I feel free'' I said at the same time I saw Tara and she smiled and waved at me, I returned the smile and waved back. I'm guessing she came with her husband.

''Do you want to leave now, the service is almost over'' he asked still holding me.

''No I'll wait, I've waited this long''

We waited a few more minutes before the three coffins were buried. My aunt started to wail hysterically, I felt some drops of tears falling down my face and I adjusted my shades just so no one would notice. We all tried to console aunt but she was much too heartbroken to hear anyone out. We had to visibly restrain her to stop her from going towards the grave.

We were able to get her into the car, to take her back home. On getting home she went up to her room, when I wanted to go after her Jake stopped me ''she needs to be alone now'' I sighed. Tara showed up later with her husband Tim who we only saw at Jake and I's wedding.

My aunt didn't come out for the whole day, when we checked on her she was alright just exhausted and sleeping.

I too retired to my room, while everyone was down stairs eating and chatting mildly as they were all sober after the burial.

I stayed on the bed feeling as if a huge load had been lifted off my shoulders. Jake came in and locked the door behind him.

''Are you...?''

''Yes Jake I'm better than ever before''

''Good because I'd like to remind you of your promise earlier on'' he said as made his way towards me, taking his time like he was a predator stalking its prey who so happened to be me in this case.

I smirked ''how could I forget? It's been far too long'' I said repeating his exacts words as I pulled him down by his collar and we shared a passionate kiss, I fell back on the bed as we continued kissing, he took off his clothes and switched off the lights before coming back to kiss me, kissing all the way down to my collar bone. His hands made their way to my back as he carefully unzipped the dress taking his sweet time, teasing me.

''I'll get you back for that'' I whispered taking of the dress and tossing it aside.

Yay one more chapter and I'm done and sorry I don't write explicit scenes, this was how far I could go, thank you so much readers for all your reads, votes, little comments and all your supports. God bless you and have a good night.

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