Chapter 1: Peace

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Catra's P.O.V

It's finally over. Horde Prime is gone. The rebellion won. I never thought I'd be happy about that. It turns out anything makes me happy as long as Adora is around. Adora. She- we- kissed. Are we together now? Are we going to talk about it? We should. Hopefully we do.

"Catra?" I hear Adora call me from the doorway. I turn towards her. "Hey Adora." I said with my usual smirk accompanying the statement. I never realized just how right Adora's name sounds coming from my mouth.

It had been only a day since we had saved the whole universe. I thought Adora would want to relax right now considering the stress we'd just been in. But she's Adora. She can never relax.

"What are you doing up here?" Adora asked me. Relaxing Adora. Which is exactly what you should be doing. "Just resting. You should too. You could've- you know." I said as I looked down at my palms. I had blisters from hanging onto her jacket so hard. I thought I had lost her. And before I had even told her how I truly felt about her.

"I know. Can we talk about that?" Adora asked me. "About what? Adora, you almost died. I thought you might have already been dead." Adora shook her head. "No not that." I sat up. Her face showed she was conflicted. "What is it?" I put my hand on hers. She looked up at me with a smile showing slightly. I could see her blushing as she looked away.

"What you said- I mean when you thought I was dead. You meant it?" It took me a minute to remember what she was talking about. "Yes. I- I do love you, Adora." Adora's blushing grew redder.

She smiled and put her head on my shoulder. "I love you too, Catra. So much." I rested my head on Adora's. This felt perfect. Everything was perfect. I never thought this is where I would end up. Finally happy. After everything, this was worth it. All the fighting and the war. If I had to do it to get here, I'd do it again.

Adora and I had been sitting like this for a while before there was light knocking on the door. "Hi guys!" Bow called in. He was hand in hand with Glimmer. I wasn't sure when that happened but I can't say that I didn't have my ideas.

"Hey Bow. What's going on?" Adora asked as she lifted her head from my shoulder. As she did this she put her hand on mine. It was like she knew exactly what I was thinking. My shoulder grew cold without her head laying on it. As Adora began to rub her thumb on my hand I quickly forgot about it.

"Glimmer and I were thinking we go out into the woods again. Back at the camp area. Just to celebrate everything. All of us can go, if you guys want to." Bow finished with a smile. Glimmer looked at me and smiled while tilting her head. She was asking me especially to go with her eyes. Since we had spent time talking to each other on that ship, Glimmer and I had gotten to know each other well.

Glimmer was actually my friend. A princess, my friend? Yeah I never thought it would happen either.

Adora looked at me. I realized she must have said yes to going. Or she was just waiting for my response. "Sure, I'll go." I said. Adora smiled along with Glimmer who I could see out of the corner of my eye.

"Great! Bow and I can show you guys what s'mores are. You'll love it. We'll meet you outside." Glimmer said as the pair walked outside. "So you actually want to go? I didn't even have to do any begging." Adora said as she stood with my hand still in hers. "Did you want to?" I asked her as I stood up.

Her hand briefly left mine as she kneeled and put her hands together praying up to me. I laughed at her as she stood up, her hand returning to mine.

Adora and I both walked down the hall and downstairs. We were passing something but I wasn't sure what it was. "Adora, do you know what that is?" I asked as I pointed towards the unknown picture on the wall.

"That? That's Queen Angella. When we were in between realities in that portal world she saved me from falling into basically nothing. She sacrificed herself to save everyone else. She's trapped in between realities now. She was a great leader." Adora explained.

I thought back to the portal. When I had pulled the switch even though Adora begged me not to. She was right. I shouldn't have. "I'm sorry. It's my fault she isn't here." I told Adora. She turned to me as her expression softened.

"Catra, I know you were doing what you could to get to the top. As much as I didn't agree with it, I understand how you were thinking." I nodded as I looked at the ground. "Hey. Catra. It's okay. Everyone knows how bad you feel. I do too. You're forgiven here." I nodded as I looked back up to Adora smiling.

She squeezed my hand as we started to walk towards the doors of the castle. We were met with Bow and Glimmer carrying sticks and what looked like fluffier and white versions of our ration bars from the Fright Zone.

Melog was outside too. It started to follow me. Melog had strides following closely behind mine. Adora watched as we Melog started to play and jump around. I started to laugh at its jumping. Bow and Glimmer were in front of us holding hands. Laughing. "They're cute together don't you think?" Adora asked me. "Yeah. Thank God they both finally are official. Adora looked at me and laughed. "It took almost 18 years for you to finally say anything to me. Don't go saying that they finally got together."

I eye-rolled at Adora as she giggled to herself. Glimmer and Bow walked into the woods as Adora and I followed closely behind them as Melog walked beside me. "Come on guys were almost there!" Now called out to us. Adora and I started to speed up walking as we were closed in on the camp.

A.N.~ Sooo basically, hi. I'm back. And I started this about three days after season five came out. I have no self control. But I'll be updating this for everyone who wants it every Friday. If this gets a lot attention, then I'll be updating quicker. I hope you all enjoy it ;)

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