Chapter 2: Helping Hands

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Adora's P.O.V

"Hey we're here!" Glimmer called to us as she and Bow started to run. Melog wasn't far behind. Catra looked at me. A smile was spreading across her face. She and I both nodded to one another as we raced to the camp.

"I bet that I beat you there!" Catra said as she ran in front of me. "Because you always cheat!" I yelled back to her as she got on all fours to start going faster.

When we finally got to Bow and Glimmer, Catra has beat me there. I was met with her smirk but as Melog rubbed against my leg, Catra blushed as I put my hand in hers. "Hi dad!" Glimmer said as she ran to King Micah. "Hello Glimmer!" Bow ran to Micah as well. "What are you doing here?" Bow asked.

"Well I'm helping these civilians set up here. They want to start a community here. Since it is close to Bright Moon after all." Glimmer nodded as she stepped back to Bow. "Do you need any help?" Bow asked.

Catra stepped towards the King with Melog by her side. I started to walk towards him as well.

"That would be very helpful. If- it that isn't out of your way." King Micah said. Catra nodded at Bow and Glimmer. They all looked towards me. "Yes of course. I'm sure with She-ra especially everything will go a lot faster." Catra looked at me but didn't say anything. Melog had a concerned expression but Catra said nothing.

"Great. Thank you. There is some wood over there and Bow you can help me over here and-." King Micah started to walk away as his words faded away. I walked over to the wood that Micah had told me to go to. There were civilians everywhere building. All I had to do was bring them the wood.

I started to pick some logs up as I felt something brush against my leg. It was Melog's tail. "Hey you." Catra said as she pushed her shoulder against mine. "Hey." I said. I stayed staring at the wooden logs. "So.. you're gonna use She-ra?" I knew it. She's worried I'll hurt myself. Again.

"I'm gonna try." Catra looked at the logs and lifted some up on her shoulder. "I thought you couldn't use her anymore. You- you had trouble last time."

"Ever since we- ever since you kissed me in that cave. Saved my life. Told me you loved me. She-ra has been with me since then. I've felt her since the moment I walked out of that place." Catra blushed as Melog started to purr. I felt butterflies after I had finished speaking.

My face grew hot. "So you'll be alright then?" Catra asked as she turned away from the logs. "We'll see. Just- can you stay? While I try?" Catra nodded as I began to concentrate.

I winced and I felt Catra's hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see her worried expression. I closed my eyes again and concentrated. I thought about She-ra and the feeling I had when I transformed. "For the Honor of Grayskull." I said out loud.

I felt myself grow. I opened my eyes and saw myself grow and my sword grow into my hands. "You- you did it! Are you alright?" Catra asked. I smiled and nodded as I put my sword away and lifted the rest of the logs.

Catra laughed as she watched me walk over to the other civilians. As I got there I felt Melog against me once again. I looked back at Catra who looked away as she saw me turn. I smiled as the civilians thanked me.

"She-ra! Adora, you can-." "Yes! She-ra's back." Glimmer smiled at me as I answered her. Everything was perfect. Catra walked to me as I went back to my normal size. She put her hand in mine as Melog jumped up to me.

"What's that about?" I asked Catra with a smirk. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Catra answered as she looked away from me. I smiled as I patted Melog.

"Thank you all so much." Micah said as Bow and Glimmer made their way towards us. "We might need some more help as the days go but for now, I think we can manage." "You're not going back to the castle?" Glimmer asked the King.

"Well if I go back to the castle then I'm not sure things could get done. I think leading our people hands on is the best approach." Micah replied, smiling. Glimmer nodded and gave him a hug. "Thanks dad."

Micah nodded. "Well since we're done, we should go set up our camp right?" Bow asked asked as he turned to us. We all nodded as Micah waved goodbye to us.

"We aren't setting up here?" I asked as Bow started to walk deeper into the woods. "No we're going deeper so we don't disturb them." Bow answered as Catra and I followed behind him and Glimmer.

"So are you feeling okay?" Catra asked me as Bow and Glimmer were out of earshot.

"I'm alright Catra, I swear." Catra smiled as Melog walked close next to me. I smiled to myself. Ever since Melog had imprinted on Catra, it had been tuned into her emotions as Bow had said.

Every time I remind myself that it feels what Catra feels it makes me smile. Even if Catra doesn't look happy, I can always tell what she is truly feeling thanks to Melog. Good thing it was around while we were in the cave.

I don't know what it would do if we-

"Hey Adora you remember this opening?" Glimmer called back to Catra and I.

I started to walk faster to them. As I reached Glimmer and Bow I was met with the opening where I had found the sword.

"Wow. Yeah I remember this place." I replied as I smiled at Bow and Glimmer.

"Where it all started.

A.N. I hope everyone is enjoying these so far. ALSO #SheRaMovie was trending on Twitter a few days ago... maybe we can do it. But for now I hope my chapters are good enough!

After ~catradora Where stories live. Discover now