Chapter 24: Leaders

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Adora's P.O.V

"Well I did make that promise to always stay with you." I said to Catra as I leaned into her.

"That you did." Catra said with a chuckle. "So is that a yes?" She asked.

"Yes, stupid." I said as Catra kissed my forehead.

"So why the sudden ask?" I asked her.

"Why can't I just ask?"

"Because, you know I like knowing things."

Catra sighed as I put on my best puppy eyes.

"Well I saw the way you talked to them. How you just immediately calmed them. They like you. I just don't think I can be as nice as you." She explained.

"Well you are a meanie." I said as I stuck my tongue out at her. She laughed as she shoved me a little.

She was still tracing my hand with her finger. "You can be nice when you want to be." I said as I felt myself drifting off to the sound of Catra purring.

The only thing that was keeping me awake was Catra's occasional questions. "Adora?" I opened my eyes slightly as I heard Catra. "What is it?"

"Do you remember Princess Prom?" She asked.

"Yes of course."

"Was I really being obvious back then?" I moved my head to look at Catra. She looked to me with a smile.

"Glimmer said I was. The more I think about it the more I think she's right. I just don't think I knew-."

"I knew ever since we were kids. I think you did too but neither of us said anything because we were afraid."

Catra shrugged. "Yeah okay I guess. Especially training, and that one time when we stayed up trying to mess with Kyle and then-."

"I know Catra. I know." I said as I laughed at her. "You should've kissed me then." I said. Catra smiled.

"I wanted to." Catra put her head on mine. "Can we do that again?" I asked.

"What? Kiss? You know you don't have to ask Adora." I laughed at her.

"No I mean another Princess Prom."

"Oh." Catra said. "Yeah I knew that." I laughed as she smiled down at me. The smile slowly faded as she said, "Don't those only happen once a decade or something."

"Yeah, but then again I have no idea what a decade is." "Okay I thought i was the only one." Catra said back. We both laughed at each other.

"But why can't we just have another one. Just us." Catra looked down and smiled at the ground.

"What?" I asked. "Nothing." She said as her smile grew. I rolled my eyes as I saw Glimmer motion for me to go over to her and Bow.

I saw Angella landing as I walked over. Catra saw too and ran over to me.

"Did you-." "Yes. Indeed I did."

"Great! Now we can start moving." I said happily. Everyone nodded at me as we all split up to tell everyone of Halfmoon that we could get moving.

I saw Angella go down the stairs with Catra to Rose's cell.

At least they were getting along. As I watched them while I walked I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I said as I stumbled back a bit.

"Oh, hey Chloe." I greeted. Even though I knew she was dating someone else I still felt a pit in my stomach whenever she was around.

I'd have to ask Glimmer about it. Or maybe Bow. He might know more since he was more of the feelings guy.

"Hi Adora!" She replied with a smile. "What are you doing?" I asked her. She looked around and chuckled to herself.

"Just, taking a walk. What's going on?" "Well we got word of where Bright Moon is and we're ready to get moving."

Chloe smiled and nodded to me as she quickly said she was going to get ready and jogged away.

I sat down on the cots I had slept on the night before. I ran my hand across the fabric as I sighed and laid down. I felt something go under my legs and quickly sat up.

I looked down to see Melog as it smiled up at me.

"Hey there Melog." I said. It put its head under my hand as I pet it. I think it was starting to like me as much as Catra.

I wonder if it could imprint on more then one person. But then again if it did then my emotions would be out on display too. Now I see why Catra doesn't like it.

I laughed and patted the spot next to me. Melog jumped up and curled next to me.

I could hear it purring. It's eyes were blinking slowly as it nuzzled closer to me.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Should I be worried?" I looked up to see Catra smiling at me as she scooted Melog over so she could sit in its place.

"Well it is expressing your emotions." I explained. "I'm aware." She said as she punched me playfully.

"You ready to go back home?" She asked me.

"Home?" She had never said Bright Moon was her home. I had been there for so long that it was like a home to me. But I always had the thought that the Fright Zone was more of a home as long as Catra stayed there.

"I mean, yeah. Since I'm welcomed like you said. I mean Halfmoon should be my home too but, wherever you are is the only home I ever need." She said.

"When did you become so sappy?" I asked her. "I'm not sure. You make me this way." She said with a smile.

"Catra.. I'm sorry for leaving. I wish I could have just, stolen you away from there. I'm sorry it took so long for me to get you."

"It's alright Adora. You stole my heart way before then. Thats all you needed. You had me ever since then." Catra said as she kissed me.

"Hey lovebirds!" Glimmer interrupted.

"Time to go!"

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