Chapter 19: Family Reunion

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Catra's P.O.V

"So this Horde Prime, he's gone now?" Angella asked Adora and I.

"Yes. We made sure of it." Adora said as she winked at me with a smile. Angella didn't notice and continued on with her questions. "And you, Catra, you're a part of the Rebellion?" The Queen asked me.

"Yeah I guess I am. It's just as weird for me as it is for you, trust me." "I'm not sure I can." I looked towards Angella for a moment and saw her driving daggers into me with her gaze.

I looked away from her just as quickly as I had looked at her. "Your Majesty, I know I've done bad things. Terrible even. But I want to fix all the mistakes I've made. I don't want to be the person I was in the Horde. That's why I rescued Glimmer. And you. I just hope that you'll accept me." I said.

It wasn't until I was done speaking I had realized what I had said. I braced myself for what she would say next. I thought she would say something along the lines of 'I will never forgive you' but instead, she spoke in a soft voice.

"Thank you. For everything you did to help my daughter. And the Rebellion. I truly believe that without your choices and sacrifice, the Rebellion wouldn't be where it is now." Angella looked down to me. Instead of her icy glare, this time her expression had softened. She nodded at me as she smiled and then looked forward.

I felt myself straighten up as Adora smiled at me as well. I smiled back.


When we had finally arrived at Halfmoon, Glimmer, Bow, Naomi, and Chloe were all waiting for us. They had all been sitting at a table, talking. When Glimmer saw Angella, she quickly got up and teleported to her and gave her a huge hug.

Bow got up as well to hug her with his usual smile accompanying him.

"Mom, I missed you so much. I thought you were actually-." "I know Glimmer. I didn't think I would ever see you both again." The group dispersed as they all laughed and smiled while they talked to one another.

I felt a hand go into mine and looked next to me to see Adora.

"Hey, you." She said to me. I smiled as I felt the usual butterflies Adora would supply. "How are you feeling?" She asked me. "I feel good. Happy." I responded as Adora looked at the Queen. I felt a rub against my leg and looked down to see Melog.

It was smiling up at me. "Yes, I can see that." Adora said. I punched her shoulder playfully. "But Catra, what are you going to do now?" I looked at Adora as I tried to figure out what she was talking about.

"Rose. Halfmoon. You should be the leader. Like Glimmer said. Even if you aren't actually the King and Queen's daughter, you're definitely more fit for it then Rose is." I nodded and laughed as I considered the possibility of ruling. I wasn't even sure if I'd be ready for it.

"How am I going to do that?" I asked Adora.

"Well for starters, you might want to talk to the people here. They might be a little confused why we were gone for that long." Adora explained. I nodded as I broke away from Adora. I stepped up onto where I had made my first speech.

"Hello!" I called out. Slowly, a crowd of people formed in front of me. Including Adora.

"I know you all must be concerned why my group and I were gone for so long." I said. Everyone looked around to see if anyone knew why as I continued.

"We all went to a portal that was deep into the woods. I went to free the Queen of Brightmoon. Or at least the former Queen since her daughter had taken the throne because she had thought her mother had passed. And it was my fault." People in the crowd looked around at each other, but after a few seconds, all eyes were on me.

"I used to be a terrible, terrible person. I pulled a lever that formed a portal in the Fright Zone for the Horde. I thought it was the right thing to do. So we would win and the Rebellion would lose. It all ended in Queen Angella sacrificing herself and being trapped in the dimension for two years. I'm trying to make up for it. I went out to that portal to save her."

The crowd gasped as they all started to talk amongst themselves. I looked around all of them and then caught Adora's eyes. She motioned for me to breathe and I did just that. In. And out.

"I know that my past doesn't make a leader. But I want to be one. All of you have been living fearful of your leader. I want to change that. I want to be the leader you all deserve. To keep you safe. And make sure that what happened with the King and Queen never happens again."

"I want to be the leader that would make you forget about Rose and her wrong doings. A leader that will not only rule by myself, but with allies. And a girl I love very much." Everyone looked around the crowd to see just who I was talking about.

None of them spotted the right girl who was blushing while she shook her head at me.

"I hope that you will consider this. Because I will keep you safe. And I promise that Rose will never hurt anyone ever again." I finished while I stepped down. The crowd cheered as I walked through it. I went straight to Adora as I saw her mouthing 'no' over and over.

I smiled right at her and took her hand and raised it up high for everyone to see. She tried to cover her face but everyone was looking at us.

Adora and I both walked away as the crowd dispersed as I heard them all talking about me being a leader. "So ruler, what's your plan now?" Glimmer asked me as she walked over to us with Bow.

"Now. We deal with Rose."

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