Chapter 23: The Past

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Catra's P.O.V

"Then she asked me if there were any other First Ones that I knew and I pointed at Naomi and Noah and she just ran." Adora said. I looked down to her and put my hand out for her to use to get up.

"That's weird. Maybe she knows them." I said. Adora nodded and gave me a quick look. She thought I didn't see it but out of the corner of my eye I almost missed it. "I don't know how. She said that she was just a baby." Adora said.

I nodded as I looked towards Nora. Her, Naomi and Noah were all smiling and laughing together like they were old friends. It didn't make any sense.

"That makes me think about the past." Adora said. I looked at her as she had a sad expression on her face. "Yeah. Our past is a little rocky." I replied. "Well not all of it."

"Most of it." Adora stopped walking and looked at me. "I used to dream about you. The Fright Zone. When we were together. Whenever I woke up, I ended up crying." I looked down at the ground. "I missed you so much." Adora continued.

"At least you're could sleep." I mumbled. Adora's expression softened. "After the portal.. I couldn't sleep or I would dream about it. Once it was you asking why I did it. Then Entrapta after I- hurt her."

I looked back up at Adora as she encouraged me to continue. "I hadn't slept in so long. The first time I did was when you guys rescued me from Horde Prime. Before that, I was exhausted and everyone knew it. I forced myself to believe they didn't see it but they all did."

"I remember one night I had been looking for Scorpia on the cameras because she was gone and I ended up in the cell Shadow Weaver has been in. I just stayed in there for a while. I started hallucinating. I was sitting with my knees to my chest as I imagined you walking into the cell sitting next to me. You would never say anything. You would just sit with me as I leaned against you."

"It felt like you were really there. But after a while I would lean too far and go right through you and when I would look up, you were gone."

Adora squeezed my hand. "Catra.." I smiled as I looked up at her.

"It was just good having you to comfort even if you didn't know you were." I said. Adora kissed my cheek as she leaned against me.


Glimmer and Bow had been caught up on what was going on and they figured we should ask Naomi and Noah how they knew Nora.

Adora and I both facepalmed as we realized we could've done that in the first place.

I was the first to walk towards the trio as they were still talking to each other.

"Hey." I said more harshly then I intended to. All three looked up at me. They became nervous as they locked their eyes with mine. Adora punched my shoulder.

"Sorry." I quickly said as I started to rub my shoulder. "I just wanted to know how you guys know each other. It was just, weird how you recognized her. I thought you said you had never been here before?" Adora said with a smile.

The trio all grew less nervous with Adora's words as they settled. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do that.

"Oh well you see, when we weren't, you know trapped in a portal, we saw Nora as a baby and I told Noah that I thought it was her before and when she started running up to us, I knew for sure." Naomi explained.

Adora nodded as she turned to Nora. "This is all I have from where I came from." She said as she pulled out a picture from her back pocket.

She handed it to Adora as she explained, "I carry it with me wherever I go. It comforts me." Adora handed the picture to me as I looked down to see Noah and Naomi looking a little younger holding a baby. Nora really did still look the same.

I gave Nora the picture back and smiled at her. Her body language clued me in on how tense she was from me just smiling at her.

I turned away as Adora thanked them and started speed walking after me. "Well that explains it." She said as she caught up to me.

One look at my face and she completely forgot about what she had been talking about. Worry set in on her face as she went in front of me. She put her hands on my shoulders, a common way of her trying to comfort me, and one of the only ways to stop me from walking away.

She knew me way too well.

"Catra." Adora leaned down so she look up at me. I was looking towards the ground but Adora lifted my head up. "What's wrong?" She asked me. I sighed and took her hand as we both sat down at the foot of the tent I had said that I would be leader on.

"I can't do this." Adora opened her mouth as she looked to the ground. "I meant being leader. I can do this, and by this I mean you, well not do you that would be- you know what I'll stop."

Adora smiled as she looked up at me. She kissed me briefly and whispered. "And I'm the idiot?" I scoffed at her. "Shut up."

She took my hand as she looked towards Noah and Naomi again. "Why can't you be a leader?" Adora asked. I looked down at her hand. Her fingers intertwined with mine.

"I just.. don't think I can do it alone. I don't want to." I said as I used my other hand to trace around her fingers. She looked towards me.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Want do what we've always wanted to do?"

"What's that?"

"Rule with together with me."

After ~catradora Where stories live. Discover now